Something's Fishy

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Fred and I were at Hiro's garage, checking out a new suit he made for Fred, which look like a blue chameleon. "I think I'll call it Fredmeleon. Also, I found some other cool things chameleons can do. Can we add them?" Fred asked, slapping down piece of notebook paper onto Hiro's tablet. "Please, please, pleeease!"

"Okay, okay. But first, get in and let's test the camouflage function." Hiro said as we looks at Fred's notes and when we look up, Fred had suddenly vanish. "Fred?" I said. "Already inside. So excited." Fred said, jumping with excitement.

"Of course you are. Okay, hit the button on the left." Hiro said, handing Baymax's Fred's notes. At that moment, the garage door was pulled open by Hiro's Aunt Cass. "Hiro! (Name)!" She said. "Hello, Aunt Cass." Baymax greeted, with his little wave.

"What are you guys doing in here?" Cass asked, setting down a box she was carrying on a nearby table. We turn back to Fred to see he had turn invisible but lucky Cass didn't see him, because she was digging in the box she had brought in.

"Hey, uh what? Hey. Yeah." Hiro stammered. "Nothing. Just, you know working on a project for school." I lied, smoothly. "Yeah, you know school project?" Hiro said, pushing down Baymax's arm when he held up Fred's notes.

"Well, hit pause because I have some very exciting news." Cas said, smiling then she pauses, looking around like she heard something. "I ran into an old friend who just moved back to San Fransokyo and..." Cass said, then suddenly the wrench on the table flew off and Baymax catches it. "And?" He asked while Hiro and I smile, innocently.

Cass gave us a confused look, but shook it off. "He has a daughter named Megan and she's the same age as you two!" She announced. "Wow! What are the odds?" Hiro asked, then suddenly everything on the shelf behind us fell off onto the ground.

"What was that?" Cass asked as Hiro and I ran over to her. "Megan, that's" Hiro said as we turn Cass around and guided her out of the garage. Then my phone rings and I took it out to see Go-Go was calling.

I click answer and held my phone up to my ear. "High Voltage busted out of prison, again." She announced. "Seriously?!" I asked, annoyed but then I saw Cass giving me an odd look. "That sounds fun, but Hiro and I uh...can't make it. Uh, Fred's on his way, though." I told Go-Go and hanged up, before she could ask anything questions.

"Fred is there." Baymax said, pointing behind Cass. "Was there." Hiro said, laughing nervously. "I mean here, earlier." He continued, digging us further into a hole. "So, Megan." I said, changing the subject.

"Yes. I set up a lunch date for you guys to meet her." Cass said. "Date?!" We heard Fred exclaimed and Cass look to her left, confused. "That was Baymax." Hiro said, pointing to the robot. Then suddenly his hoodie was pull up over his head and Hiro pushes the invisible Fredmeleon off.

But the spikes on the back of suit must've hit Baymax, because five holes appeared on the robot and air begins blowing out. "We'd love to, but we're just so busy with school and big school projects!" I said, as Baymax tried to plug up the holes with his hand.

Hiro runs over to Baymax, plugging up the bottom two holes with his hands but leaving the middle one uncover, so it was blowing air into his face. "Big school project!" He exclaimed, as his hair is blown back.

"I'm not taking No for an answer. You work so hard, kids. You hardly even have time for each other. You need some normal kid time." Cass said, walking away. "What's not normal about this?" I asked as Fred hangs down from the ceiling, now visible again as Baymax and Hiro continue trying to plug up the air holes.

The next day, I went back to the café to meet this Megan, who was a dark-tan skin girl with thick eyebrows, brown hair, and light brown eyes. She has long bangs and wears her hair in a short upright ponytail.

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