Something Fluffy

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Today at SFIT, Dad and Liv Amara were here with Bluff Dunder for an Q&A. "Any more questions for our tech pioneers Liv Amara? Or Alistair Krei is there, too." Bluff said. A boy with spiky hair and glasses went up to the mic. "Uh, this is a quest for Liv."

"Great. Another one." Dad said, crossing his arms in a grumpy manner. "Hey, Liv. Big fan, probably your biggest. How do you find the time to have it all?" The boy asked. "I have it all, too!" Dad piped up and standing out of his chair.

"In fact have more than her, I have a brilliant daughter! Does Liv have one of those?" Dad asked, causing everyone to stare at him or look over at me. I slump down in my seat as Dad looks around then sits back in his chair, pouting.

"Investing in Sycorax is investing in a..." Liv said. "...have it all future." Hiro said, along with Liv, finishing her sentence with her. "Do I even want to know how you knew she was gonna say that?" Wasabi asked, then he sniffs Hiro and gags. "And why do you smell like a dumpster?"

"Why do you think I'm sitting over here?" I asked, sitting next to Go-Go in the row in front of them. "99 percent of Liv Amara's answers contain the words: investing, Sycorax, and future. We fell into garbage." Baymax explained.

"Too bad someone doesn't ask her a real question." Go-Go said. "Challenge accepted." Hiro said, standing up and Wasabi covers his nose as Hiro slides pass him and walks down to the mic.

"Aw, looks like we have a question from that little boy." Bluff said and the audience laughs as Hiro adjust the mic to his level. "Ms. Amara, you never talk about what you guys actually do." Hiro said. "Sycorax invests in the future. Were you even listening, Hiro?" Liv asked.

"No, I...I heard that. I mean, what's the product that you make?" Hiro asked and Liv chuckles. "Who really wants to hear about the minutiae of reprogramming siRNA and it's effects on recombinant DNA? But fantastic question. Who's next?" Liv asked.

A girl walks up, attempting to take the mic from Hiro but he yanks it out of her hand. "Another question!" He exclaimed and the girl must've smelled him because she backed off. "Uh, how many people have the actual technology and skill set to turn someone like Orso Knox into a monster?"

"No clue. I don't make monsters. I cure them." Liv said and the audience applauses her. "Follow-up. Have you ever seen one of these?" Hiro asked, holding up the patch he got from Ned. "I've seen something similar." Liv replied. "It's a transdermal patch." Hiro said.

"Ooh, transdermal. Big word from a tiny, tiny child." Bluff said and the audience laugh. "He's small." Bluff said to Liv. "I JUST HAVEN'T HIT MY GROWTH SPURT YET!" Hiro screeched, his voice cracking. "Looks like somebody's tired." Bluff remarked.

"Look, this was used to turn Ned Ludd into the Hibagon right around when you were trying to buy the Muirahara Woods." Hiro said. "Pure coincidence. Now, if anyone would like an autograph..." Liv said, her calm demeanor beginning to crack.

"It just seems like whenever monster show up, Sycorax does too." Hiro said and Liv's eyes harden. "Interesting. Maybe you should come up on stage. Uh Jim, can we get a booster seat up here? He's tiny." Bluff said.

"I have a question, Bluff. Given that this young man is an intern at Krei Tech and currently dating the daughter of Alistair Krei..." Liv began. "Yes! Why aren't you asking me a question, intern?" Krei asked, jumping out of his seat and pointing at Hiro.

"Well, we're all out of time but that was fun. Normally, both questions and answers bore me, if I'm being honest." Bluff said and the audience claps as Dad returns to his seat, pouting.

The next day, Hiro and I were sitting in the cafeteria working when Karmi suddenly appeared, slamming her hands on the table and making us jump. "Hello, I am..." Baymax greeted with his signature wave.

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