Write Turn Here

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(I love writing on here and for you guys, but this is honesty me most of time when I'm trying getting a chapter done lol. Especially for this episode. Great fun to watch...no so fun to figure out how to write.)

3rd Person P.O.V
"Congratulations on turning in your creative writing assignments. Most of you." Granville said, over looking at Hiro, who's sitting next to (Name) when she makes that last comment.

"Challenging your imaginations makes you better thinkers. Better thinkers are better scientists." Granville said, patting the stack of packs the whole class but Hiro turned in. "Or this stuff keeps us from actual science." Hiro grumbled.

"A strong opinion from an uninformed source. Karmi, would you please read the first chapter of your story?" Granville asked making both Hiro and (Name) frown. "Oh no." (Name) muttered. "Of course! I'm always happy to inspire the underachievers." Karmi said, standing up and Hiro groans, laying his head down on the desk.

"By the time Big Hero 7 knew the evil Momakase had lured them into a trap it was too late." Karmi reads, as Hiro knocks on his own head. "This is chapter 1? Sounds more like it should be near the end." (Name) whispered.

🧬🔬Karmi's Story👩🏽‍💻😍

"It's a trap!" Flame Jumper cried out, hanging on for dear life. "But we realized it too late!" Chop Chop yelled, him and the rest of the team hanging on as something tries to suck them in. All but Speed Queen, who looked indifferent about the whole thing and was allowing herself to get pulled away.

"The city is mine now, heroes." Momakase said, evilly, standing next to a blue vortex that sucks Speed Queen up! "We never got to tell our beautiful girlfriend Karmi, how we felt." Captain Cutie said, emotionally.

"She's so amazing, and smart, and beautiful! She'll never know how much we love her!" Empress Thunderbolt cried, tears streaming down her chibi cheeks.

"There, there." Red Panda said. "She knew. She's very smart." Tall Girl said. "She is! And she's here to save you!" Karmi said, jumping down from a tall building, hearts around her.

"Who are you?" Momakase asked. "Didn't you hear us? She's Captain Cutie and Empress Thunderbolt's beautiful girlfriend, Karmi." Flame Jumper announced. "Yes. I will play it back for you." Red Panda said, pressing his access port. "Beautiful girlfriend. Beautiful girlfriend. Beautiful..."

"Enough! And how do you plan to stop me?" Momakase asked Karmi. "I designed a device to reverse the polarity of your evil vortex." Karmi said, summing a gun out of nowhere. Captain Cutie and Empress Thunderbolt sigh, lovingly. "She's the best." Captain Cutie said, with heart eyes. "The best of the best!" Empress Thunderbolt said, with heart eyes too.


"Ugh! No way." Hiro said, interrupting the story. "Problem, weirdo?" Karmi asked. "Yeah. A whole list of them." Hiro replied. "At least she changed my name." (Name) mumbled under her breath.

"Instead of criticism, might I suggest creation?" Granville said. "Have fun, staring at a blank computer screen all night." Karmi said to Hiro, smugly. "You wish." Hiro said, cleaning up the papers he had scattered around his work area and stacking them up.

Cut-ahead to night, where a very tired looking Hiro is staring at a blank computer screen as crickets are chirping outside. "You have been staring at a blank computer screen all night." Baymax announced and Hiro groans. Baymax lays his hand out on the desk right as Hiro was about to slam his head down on it.

While on might patrol, Hiro was pitching his story to his teammates. "Suddenly went completely black. Okay, Baymax now okay that back." Hiro said, looking up at the robot. "As the concentration shifted the chemical clock reaction suddenly went completely black." A recording of Hiro played on Baymax and Hiro smiles at Fred and (Name), awaiting their thoughts.

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