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After finally making it to my destination, I got out, grabbing the flowers I had with me. I walked into the building, going to her room. I knocked softly, before peeking my head in. "Hi, mom." I said, making my way to her bed. She turned towards me, looking at me confused. "I think you got me mixed with someone else, dear." She said, smiling softly. I set the flowers down on her table. "Mom it's me. y/n?" I said, reaching for her hand. She pulled it back however, still staring at me confused. "I don't know anyone named, y/n. I'm sorry." She said. I sighed, looking down. The tears brimmed my eyes, and I looked up. "Mom please." I pleaded, the tears falling now. "Please remember me." I said, grabbing her hand. 

She just stared, not recognizing me. She pulled her hand away still. "I'm sorry, but I don't know you. Please leave." She said. I sobbed quietly, resting my head on the bed. Her condition was getting worse, and she couldn't even remember me. I sighed, wiping my tears. "I'm sorry. I'll come visit another time. I love you, mom." I said, picking my stuff up, before walking out. I walked out of the hospital to see it raining. It's like the earth new my emotions. I looked up, silent tears still falling. My clothes were getting soaked, and I was freezing. I stood there, sobbing quietly to the sky. I cried silently, letting the rain wash my tears away.

I was still looking up when something wrapped around me. "It's okay." I heard. I broke into more tears now, holding onto the person. I cried on their shoulder, my wails of pain falling loosely. They didn't say anything, but just held me. "Why? Why can't I have my happiness?" I said, clutching their shirt in my hands. "Everybody wants happiness. Nobody wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain." They said, their comforting words hitting me. I slowly calmed down, holding onto them still. I pulled away, looking at the person. "Thanks Lando." I said, my arms falling to my side. "What happened?" He asked. "She...she doesn't remember me now." I say, about to cry again. " will all be okay." He said, rubbing my back. "Let's get you back to the hotel." He said, guiding me to the car. "How did you get here?" I asked. 

He opened the door of my car for me, closing it after. He got in shortly after, starting the car. "Well, I took the bus." He said, backing out. I sighed, shaking my head. Right as I was about to apologize, he beat me to talking. "Don't even bother apologizing. I wanted to come help you. George wanted to come too, along with the other 3 boys, but I already left. So, they probably will be waiting for you." He said, patting my knee. I nodded, leaning my head on the window. Gradually, my eyes started to close. Lando kept patting my knee softly, prompting me to be sleepier. Eventually, I had to fight sleep. "Just go to sleep, bear." He chuckled, patting my knee still. "But-" I was going to argue, but he shushed me. "No, just go to sleep." He said. I sighed before just giving in. I knocked out after a few more minutes of knee patting, and the rain.

Little Time Skip

Something touching me woke me up. I slowly opened my eyes, rubbing them slightly. It took me a minute to realize I was being carried. I looked up, and saw Alex? "Wait..." I said, getting extremely confused. Alex chuckled, still carrying me into the hotel. "Lando is getting your bags. He told me to take you to the room." He explained, making me nod. I tried getting down, but he held me tighter. "Let me walk. I'm fine." I said, trying again. But he held me up still. I sighed, just letting him carry me. I rested my head against his chest as we walked into the elevator. "Thank you." I said, kissing his cheek softly. He smiled brightly, his ears going red. "Oh, someone is flustered." I teased, making him whine. "I'm kidding, but you still owe me a juice box." I said, leaning back down.

We finally reached the floor, and headed to a room. It was George's room, I think. We walked in, Alex carrying me to the bed before dropping me on it. "Hey! That is just rude." I scoffed, turning onto my back. George, Max, Charles, Lando, and Alex all were in the room. I was laid across the bed on my back. George smirked at me, before jumping onto me. I groaned lightly, my face being smooshed by his chest. "Get off me!" I whined, trying to push him off. "I wanna join." Alex said, getting ready to jump on it. "No, no. Please." I begged, already getting smooshed. "Haha, everyone jump on her!" George squealed, holding me down. "No! Please!" I begged, trying to push him off. They all jumped, earning a scream from me.

Light of My Life ~ Alex AlbonWhere stories live. Discover now