Good News

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The morning sun peeked through the window, grazing over my eyes. I groaned quietly, covering them. I looked over, reading 7:00 on the clock. I moved the sheets, and stepped down. I completely forgot about my knee, and fell on the floor. I groaned, holding my back. "y/n?" Alex asked, coming out of the bathroom. He saw me on the floor and chuckled. "Still not used to it yet?" He joked, making me glare. "Well, when I have a paralyzed knee, and a rough boyfriend, my legs and mind don't seem to be working properly." I said, sitting up. "It's not my fault I couldn't resist you." He said, helping me up. I smacked him over his head, making him whine.

I sighed, shaking my head. "Alex." I called, looking down. He hummed from the bathroom. "Oh my god! Alex!" I yelled, making him run out. "What's wrong?" He asked, coming over to me. "My knee!" I said. "What is it? Does it hurt?" He exclaimed worried, ready to call Christian. "Oh my god! I can feel your hand." I whispered, holding his hand. "I-I...I can feel your hand!" I yelled, hugging onto him. "Oh, y/n. That is wonderful!" He squealed, spinning me around. "We have to tell everyone." He said, calling someone. After a minute, he sat down, pulling me into his lap. "Oh, I'm so excited." He said, shaking my hands. "Me too! Do you think I can walk again?" I asked, staring into his eyes. "Within time, but for now, let's just play it safe and keep the crutches." He said, making me nod. I squealed again, hugging his neck.

A knock on the door interrupted our moment. Alex got up, running to the door. He opened it to reveal a ecstatic Lando, a smiling George and Christian. Lando ran in, tackling me on the bed. "Oh my god, y/n! I'm so excited. We have to get you working again, so your leg can start working again." He said, sitting up. I laughed as he kept rambling. "Lando, give the girl a breath." George said, pulling Lando off. He mumbled a sorry, rubbing the back of his neck. "Now, now. Don't get too far ahead. She may have feeling, but she can't just up and walk on it again. She has to slowly get into it." Christian said, coming over. He helped me up, grabbing my crutches. "He's right. Give it some time. But for now you guys need to get to the track. Your already late." I said, making them gasp. They checked the time and all ran out. "Wait!" I called to all three of them. They stopped, turning around in the middle of the hall. "This stays between us." I said, getting nods in response. They ran off, leaving me and Christian. 

He walked me downstairs, helping me in the car. After he got in and started driving, he started talking. "I talked to the training coach, and he said he can help get your leg moving again. That's if you want to." He offered, making me smile brightly. "Of course. I hate these crutches. I want to surprise everyone though if I do start walking." I said, already planning it out. "I'm sure everyone would be surprised." He laughed. "Let's do this then." I said as we pulled into the track. He nodded, getting my crutches and saying goodbye before running off. I wandered down pit-lane, watching everyone get ready. I saw Lewis smiling at me, so I went over. "Hey. It's been awhile. How have you been?" He asked, giving me a side-hug. "Well, not much I can do without my leg, so I have been chilling. I'm honestly bored all the time." I chuckled, patting his back. "Yea, that's understandable. You going to watch?" He asked, making me nod.

I was sitting on the hill, watching the cars start going out. It was only qualifying, so it was nothing too important. I got out my drawing stuff, laying them out on the grass. I stared at the track, and started drawing the scenery. After about 15 minutes, I finished it and set it aside, taking out another paper. I started drawing some random flowers, my mind completely blank. I was too zoned out to see someone sit next to me. I kept drawing, it being the only thing that keeps me calm. I smiled softly as I was touching up a drawing I had made of the entire grid. I saw someone pick up my drawing, and dropped the pencil. "These are really nice." I heard, before I felt a hand on mine. I looked up seeing Alex smiling softly. "Stop it." I said, pushing him away softly. "Come on, you have to take a compliment someday." He joked, scooting closer. I looked at him, and just stared at him. He gave me a soft smile, caressing my cheek. "You know I love you right?" He asked, making me nod. "I love you too." I whispered, giving him a soft kiss.

Light of My Life ~ Alex AlbonWhere stories live. Discover now