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I looked at Lando, becoming skeptical. "Why are you guys acting weird?" I asked, wrapping my arms around his neck. He chuckled, shaking his head. "I just wanted a dance." He said, making me sigh. I rested my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. "You guys aren't leaving me right?" I asked, not looking up. "No! We would never!" He said, kissing my head. I smiled, swaying around with him. He didn't talk after, just swaying us around. I looked up, seeing him smiling. "You aren't going to give me a speech about how me and Alex are? Or about what happened?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "No. You already know how much you love Alex, and you should know he loves you as well." He said, making me nod. I stared a little longer before he burst into laughter. "Sorry." He giggled, continuing to dance.

He looked above me and nodded. "Right. Let's go." He said, dragging me away from the dance floor. "Wait up." I giggled, trying to catch up. We got to a more private area, and the entrance to the garden. I felt him let go, and turned around, but he was already gone. "What the hell?" I whispered, walking into the garden. I looked around since it wasn't very bright. I kept hearing the bushes rustle, making me raise an eyebrow. I finally saw some light, so I sped up, and gasped at the sight. Alex was on one knee, holding a ring box. I slowly walked closer, staring at him. "y/n, I can't begin to describe how perfect you are. I remember the first time I saw you. It was at the factory when I was getting a seat fitted. Max was rambling on about something, but I wasn't paying attention because I was distracted by your beauty. Now, we have been through a lot these past few years, and I'm ready for more. Are you willing to take that step with me?" He asked, making me start crying. 

I bent down, covering my face. "y/n?" Alex said shakily. "Oh, Alex." I said, hugging his neck. "Of course I will marry you." I cried in his neck. "She said yes!" He yelled, spinning me around. He put me down, and everyone hopped out from behind the curtains, cheering and yelling. The girls came up to me congratulating me, then went to Alex. George ran up to me, and hugged me tightly. "Oh, y/n. I'm so happy for you." He said into my hair, making me chuckle as some tears fell out of my eyes. "Remember, just because you are engaged now, doesn't mean you can't still ever come to me. I'll always be here for you." He said, holding my shoulders. "The same goes for you, Georgina. I love you." I said, making him hug me again. "I love you too." He whispered, hugging me tighter before letting me go and congratulating Alex.

The next person to bring me in a hug was Lando, but he was balling his eyes out. "Your married now! You'll forget all about me!" He cried, making me laugh. "Aww, how could I ever forget the kid I grew up with. I'll never forget you, Lando." I said, wiping his tears. "Promise?" He said, holding his pinky out. "I pinky promise." I said, linking our pinkies and pulling him into another hug. "I'm so happy for you, y/n." He said, giving my cheek a kiss. "Thank you." I said, hugging him tighter before letting go. "Love you Lando." I said, ruffling his hair. "Love you too, y/n." He said, giving me one last push before letting Charles and Charlotte come over. I smiled at him as he patted my hand before walking away.

Charlotte walked up again, hugging me tightly. "Your engaged!" She squealed, holding my hands. "I know! It feels so surreal!" I said back, shaking her hands. "Whatever happens, know I got your back." She said, making me nod. "Actually, I need a favor." I said, making her nod. "Will you be one of my bridesmaids?" I asked, making her squeal. "Oh, of course I would. Thank you." She said, hugging me tightly. I giggled, letting her go. "I think Charles wants a talk though." She said, moving aside and leaving to give us some space. Charles walked up, tears in his eyes. "Oh, Charles." I said, opening my arms. He walked into them, hugging me tight. "Jules would have been so proud. I am so proud. I have got to watch you grow, and now I get to see you get married." He said, making some more tears fall. I held onto him, softly crying on his shoulder. "He would have probably spoiled the surprise." I laughed, making him laugh.

Light of My Life ~ Alex AlbonWhere stories live. Discover now