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I woke up, rubbing my eyes softly. I didn't see or feel Lando, but saw a note on the nightstand. "Had to leave early for a meeting. I'll see you at home. x LN" It read. I sighed, getting up and changing. I grabbed all my bags, which was just a suitcase and my backpack and walked out. I got a text from Dennis, making me stop walking. "Meet me downstairs. We are going on a little trip before I don't see you for a while." I read, making me send a thumbs up emoji. I looked up and saw Alex coming out of his room. I rushed to the elevator, closing the doors before he got there. I saw him as the doors closed, and he looked hurt. But he has no right to play victim. I made it downstairs, seeing Dennis waiting. He smiled, waiting for me to come over.

After we were on the road, we were talking about life and all. "So, what are you going to do?" He asked, which I sighed. "I don't know. I basically live with him." I said, laughing. "You know, he didn't really me anything. It was all emotion talking. When Lando took you to bed, we had a talk with Alex." He said slowly. I looked over, kind of annoyed they did. "Why would you do that?" I asked, sighing after. "Before you get mad, it was him who came to us. Arthur was pretty pissed after watching the video, and he went off on him. Along with Robert cussing him out in Russian. Me and Oscar pitched in to calm everyone down, but also chew his ass." He explained, making me groan. "And I acted like a bitch shutting the elevator in his face." I said, grabbing my face. "You have every right to be mad at him." He said, pulling into a park. 

I look over confused, before getting out. "Why are we at a park?" I asked, looking at him. "Go make things right with him. You love him, and he clearly loves you. Talk it out, and go from there. He will give you a ride to the airport where Christian will be waiting for your flight home. Text me what happens." He said. I smiled softly, bringing him in a hug. "Thank you Dennis." I said, kissing his cheek. "Your welcome, tiger. Now hurry along." He said, giving me a little push. He left after I started walking. I stopped and decided to text the group chat. It included formula 1, 2, 3, and 4 drivers. "Thanks guys for talking to him. I'll text ya guys later. x y/n." I sent it, before walking more. I saw the back of Alex's head by the water. I went over, sitting next to him. 

None of us spoke, making me sigh. I leaned my head on his shoulder, wrapping my arms around him. "Why?" He asked in a sad tone. "Because I love you. You make it so difficult to not." I said, watching the water. He wrapped his hands around me, leaning on my head. "I'm so sorry, y/n. You should be mad at me. I embarrassed you, and got mad for no reason." He said, kissing my head. "Our emotions got the best of us. I should apologize for the way I acted as well." I said, closing my eyes. "We were both in the wrong. But it doesn't matter now. As long as you forgive me, I'm happy." He said, squeezing me a little tighter. "It's hard not to forgive you." I chuckled, looking up. I saw his little smile, and leaned up. The kiss was soft, and passionate. It was filled with pure love. I smiled after, resting my forehead against his. "Let's go home." I said, kissing his forehead. 

Time Skip~

As we entered the house, it was still how we left it. I sighed, liking the feeling of being home. We had a week till the next race, giving us plenty of time to spend together. I grabbed Alex's hand, dragging him to the bedroom. He chuckled, taking his clothes off, and changing into some sweatpants. I got his hoodie on, and laid down, opening my arms to him. He got on the bed, bringing me closer to him once I was in his arms. It was silent, the only noise being our breathing and the low television in the background. I listened to his heartbeat, cherishing my moments with him. "I love you." I whispered, holding him tighter. Some tears escaped, making me hide my face in his chest. "I love you too, angel." He whispered back, kissing my head before laying back. After a little while, we both fell asleep in each others arms.

Light of My Life ~ Alex AlbonWhere stories live. Discover now