You're Not So Bad Emerald x Male Reader Part 5

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You flew through the air, you were not flying you were technically falling backward through the air, after Cinder had attacked you it didn't last long though you landed on a soft cabbage cart.

Merchant: MY CABBAGES!

(Y/n): Oh relax you weren't even selling most of them, and dude word of advice your cabbages went bad like I don't know a week ago.

You said as you got out of the former cabbage cart, and made your way back to the fight, but when you got there you saw that Ruby and the others were being forced back by Cinder and her cronies.

Your eyes immediately locked on the source of your aggression: Emerald Sustrai.

Ren: (Y/n), focus.

You turned to Ren who had a serious expression on his face, you nodded and started walking towards Cinder.

Cinder: Back for round 2 are you?

(Y/n): Yeah, but the difference is you'll be ash on the ground instead of flat on your ass.

Cinder: Like that girl, I killed atop Beacon tower?

(Y/n): Don't you dare talk about her!

Cinder: Struck a nerve I see.

(Y/n): You've done more than that.

You ran towards Cinder and throw a punch, but she blocks it with relative ease and looks into our eyes.

Cinder: Her death was necessary for peace.

She then holds her free hand near your face and sends a projectile of fire towards your face sending you flying back a few feet.

Cinder: Why do you want to prevent peace?

(Y/n): I'm starting to think you don't know the meaning of that word.

Cinder: Your passion will not save you only power will.

While Cinder had been talking you had started to hear a voice in your head.

"Let me take control."

(Y/n): I think not.

"Don't you want to defeat her?"

(Y/n): I don't want her defeated I want her dead.

"I'll make you a deal I'll let you use a portion of my power enough to kill her, and in return all I ask is you listen to what I have to say."

(Y/n): I like the sound of that.

"Then we have a deal."

Cinder: I grow tired of our little game.

She walks towards you the sound of the fight cleared the air as everyone was watching what was about to transpire.

Ruby: (Y/n) get up!

Cinder: I'm afraid he can't hear you.

She holds your chin in her hand and looks into your eyes.

Cinder: Do you believe in destiny?

She said almost mockingly.

(Y/n): Yes.

In one swift motion you grabbed her wrist then sent a punch towards her, she blocks it but was thrown back a few feet or so.

(Y/n): You speak about peace, yet you know not what it means.

You're Not So Bad Emerald Sustrai x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now