Chapter 2: The Vision

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All three adults walked the long flight of stairs where they reach Bruno's vision cave. It may seem unsettling to some of the villagers. Though to Bruno, it's his safe space whenever he needed some time alone by himself. Especially during large gathering events where he felt he couldn't breathe at all and just needed some space. Nevertheless, the fortune teller lead his parents into the cave before he began settling up the ritual. Making a large circle around his parents and setting up four piles of leaves while having one in the middle. Quickly throwing salt over his shoulder before lighting up a match.

Setting a single match on fire whereas his eyes began glowing a jade green colors. Where the parents and their son hold hands together as they witness Bruno predicting Mirabel's future. Watching the sand begin swirling around them as the wind blows quite harshly more than usual. Seeing the sand, not the jade green but more like pitch-black terrified them. Since they have never seen black sand before within Bruno's prediction. Alma gasped once seeing little Mirabel in bed quite ill and coughing up blood. Along with the Julieta crying while holding her baby.

"I need to stop!!" Bruno groan in pain

"No!!! We need to see more!! We need to make sure that Mirabel is safe" Pedro pleaded

Bruno looked over to see if there was any more in the vision while groaning in pain where blood trickled down from his nose. The three of them looked around the vision to see if they were missing anything. Suddenly the black sand fasts forward toward the future where Mirabel is older around in her teens. They all witness her getting worse with the unknown illness. Along with a house that isn't Casita crashing down into the ground. All three adults notice a candle that doesn't belong within their family at all. Instead of the butterfly design that represents the Madrigal family, it resembles the constellation of Scorpio. Soon the candle began fading away with the house crashing down. In the end, the vision revealed an adult male but his face was blurred standing in front of the house.

Soon the vision ended causing Bruno to fall on his knees before coughing up blood. Bruno ended up seeing a vision much longer than a regular one. Abuela caught the obsidian before it shattered into the pieces. Highly unusual than a green jade vision that Bruno predicts the future toward the villagers. Does a black vision represent the disaster between both magical families? Though who was the other magical family? Bruno has never known that their other miracles out there. He just assumes that only his family was given magical miracles.

"How do Mirabel and this mystery family connect I don't understand?" Bruno asks

Wiping the blood off of his mouth and nose as Bruno tried composing himself. While his parents looked at each other. Knowing that they have to tell the truth to their children. Though would've been best to tell them in the morning. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2022 ⏰

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