The new nextdoor neighbour

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Eighteen year olds josie and lizzie salvatore who are the high classed daughters of stefan and caroline

Seem to be busy getting their things ready for the first day at college

Lizzie runs a comb through her blonde hair looking in the mirror

While josie the brunette looks for her lipgloss seeing as she must of put it in one of her drawers

"Relax josie"

"Lizzie you better not have taken it or I swear....

Immediately captured josie looks at the window catching a glimpse of a auburn haired girl wearing a t shirt with some jeans and sneakers

Out on a sunny day wiping the sweat of her forehead

Josie finds the movement hot

she sees the mystery girl tying her t shirt halfway exposing her hard glistening abs

That's hot


Suddenly that hot new neighbor catches josie sight watching her and smirks

Shutting the curtain josie whisks away as she picks up her phone

The sisters walk out and bump into the neighbor

"Sorry I didn't see you there"

Lizzie rolls her eyes and walks hurriedly trying to get on time to college

As for Josie well she gives hope a stand off look crossing her arms

"Maybe next time you should watch we're your going you do know who I am right"

Looking dumbfounded hope scratches the back of her neck


Rolling her eyes annoyed at their first interaction together josie shows her Instagram page putting her phone to her face with bare liked pictures of her and her friends

"I'm josie salvatore you know my parents are rich and they can totally get you done if you get on my bad side"

Unfazed hope steps forward

"I like a challenge"

the brunette scoffs


Now Seeing a red sports car parked outside the salvatore house a brownish haired guy with shades wearing a quarterback jacket calls out to josie

"Hey babe get in"

she gives hope a mocking  look before strolling past her getting in the car

kissing the guy as they both drive off

Looking up to the top of the window hope spots caroline quickly retreat her steps back 

Licking her lips hope smiles to herself

Ringing the door bell a couple of times hope steps back

Stefan rushes out doing his tie Looking like he's late for work as he dashes to his car

With no one except for caroline inside hope rings again

This time it opens

Caroline emerges seeing an out of breathe hope looking towards her

"I mawned my lawn and I really need a shower after all this sweat and my waters off you know since I just moved in...

seeing her drenched in heat

"So I was hoping I could use your shower here"

Caroline's eyes trail on Hope's torso biting her bottom lip


Snapping out of her trance

"Sorry but you can't"

Shutting the door hope puts her a leg out stopping it as their faces are inches away

"Please there's no where else I can go"

"Fine but hurry up"

Allowing hope in Caroline shows the direction of the bathroom as she goes in the living room

Finding the luxurious bathroom Hope starts taking off her clothes putting them aside

As she hops in the shower switching on the shower head

Twenty minutes later caroline goes up to check if Hope's done

Opening the door a bit she spots a naked hope rubbing some shower gel

running a hand through her hair embracing the water

Noticing the older lady watching her contentedly Hope immediately grins turning the water off

emerging out naked hope boldly shows off her long thick cock

caroline averts her eyes elsewhere feeling her cheeks redden

Grabbing the towel from the side hope stops infront of caroline

"Like what you see"

Giving a cheeky wink hope saunters out leaving a hot and bothered caroline realeasing a breathe she didn't know she was holding

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