The Past

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Putting on her shirt hope's eyes trail the bare back of the girl infront of her getting changed

Josie clips on her bra and slips on her blouse

Behind her hope pulls her in by the waist laying a lingering kiss on her neck

Taking her hands josie removes them from her waist

"This never happened"

"Come on I know you enjoyed it"

Getting to the door hope grabs hold of her wrist with
josie yanking her hand away

"You repulse me"

"We both know that's not true"

Josie turns away from hope storming out

Hearing the front door slam Hope grins knowing that she's getting to the girl

Caroline is scrubbing the floor trying to get the red wine mark of her lavish expensive carpet

Foolishly earlier on she spilt some wine and unfortunate for her it landed on her carpet

Recently she's been so distracted and she has a certain someone to blame for that hope if you must know

Invading her thoughts it's been doing her head in all week

The doorbell rings now as caroline gets up taking off her gloves putting them by the counter

With a cunning look it's hope on her doorstep

"May I it'll be quick"

Letting her through the blonde shuts the door as Hope lets herself in

Facing the older woman hope reaches putting a strand of hair behind her

Caroline tries to keep her cool with the young girl

"What are u doing here hope"

"Lighten up I like it when your feisty and all worked up it brings back memories"


Hope was fifteen when she met Caroline

But when she turned seventeen her parents told mrs Forbes to tutor her after school

Little did they know these little lessons turned into passionate nights alone together

The night it all started

Hope was doing her work when she got bored and started looking at the clock

Caroline walks in looking all hot wearing her short skirt

Hope notices as her mouth drops but she quickly composes herself

"Hope have you done your literature paper"

"Yeah I have"

Caroline takes the paper from her checking over with a impressed look


Looking a bit nervous but putting on a brave face anyway hope speaks up a bit more boldly

"Uh I was hoping you'd give me a treat you know for all the work I done"

"Quiet the charmer aren't you hope"

She puts her hand on top of hope's who gulps blushing

"I'm a lot of things you'd be surprised mrs forbes"

"Where's all this confidence come from"

"A woman like you deserves to be showered with love your husband doesn't deserve you"

At the time Caroline's marriage with Stefan was rocky he was too busy putting work as his top priority leading into him and his wife arguing about the lack of commitment in their marriage

For Caroline hearing this was something she always wanted someone to say and in that moment even though it was inappropriate she felt something for her student

she stares into her eyes with a intrigued look

"Your a loyal student hope"

Seeing her tie being pulled up by her teacher she pulls her student in as they crash lips secluding a long lust filled kiss

"Your so fucking hot mrs forbes I want you so bad"

"I want you to fuck me hope"

Hope pulls down her trousers then removes her boxers as she pushes her cock inside a screaming caroline begging for more

Current time

Caroline can't even look hope in the eyes as the girl gives out the details about their history together

"Do u still feel that way about me"

"This is not up for discussion please leave my house hope"

"Cause I do"

They lock eyes

"Hope I'm married"

"It didn't stop you before"

"It's different this time Stefan and I are in a better place and I have my daughters"

Shit Hope remembers she slept with josie if she's being honest that girl does wonders to her despite the too having some conflict this back and forth thing between them it turns on hope

"I see"

"Hope..........what happened between us just leave it in the past"

Reaching for the handle hope calls out one last time

"You left a scar on my heart caroline and I can't get rid of it no matter what"

With that Caroline watches Hope leave closing the door

Corrupted love Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora