I cant have a baby

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Taking it back to the doctor caroline takes a seat wanting to make sure if she really is pregnant

"Congratulations your pregnant"

After walking out the room where the doctor seen her

Hope gets to her feet her head filled with worries looking at the blonde expectantly

"It's nothing just a little fever that's all"

"We'll I'm glad it's nothing major"

Hope wraps her jacket around the blonde helping her to the car

As hope drops her off a few blocks from her house caroline gives her a lingering kiss

"Thank you for today"

Hope smiles

"No problem"

She gets out the car looking around luckily to find no one as she walks towards her house

Stefan are heard having sex which grosses the blonde as she barges in covering her eyes

"Mum Dad Please be decent I need some money for the mall with my friends"

"Just go lizzie I'll give it to you in ten minutes"

"We'll hurry up and shag mum"

They look lost for words until they go back to there kissing under the covers

The rest of the week goes fine as Caroline keeps her pregnancy away from her hope and her family until

Lizzie finds her mother three days in a row throwing up early in the morning

"Mum seriously are you okay"

"I'm fine"

"I'm calling dad"

Sometime later

Stefan sits by her side rubbing her back as she pukes again

"Listen care I think you need some rest"

"I I I'm fine it's been like this for the past few days I've been having the cravings

Stefan works it out

"And you've been extra horny like you were when we had josie and lizzie.....

Caroline panicks eyes wide as Stefan stares at her back

"Are you expecting our child"

"Yes I'm pregnant"

He starts pacing around

"Gosh I'm gonna be a dad again"


"Listen baby I know this happened on accident but I'm ready for having another baby if you are"

His wife cups his cheek smiling at how sweet he is

On her front door josie stands with a lust filled look catching sight of hope's unbuttoned shirt

"I thought I'd come by and see how your doing"

"Is that all"

"No actually there's I think we both want"

"And what's that"

The brunette grabs hope by the neck and brings there lips together

"I'm....kinda busy right now"

"Even for sex"

Hope moves back

"I can't do this anymore josie"

"Are you for serious "

Scratching the back of her head Hope meets the girl's impatient look

"I think we should finish this"

The girl hold back tears as she weakly smiles before being her usual bitchy self

"I'm so glad I never fell for a complete jerk like you your not worth my time"

The door slams

Alone at night hope opens popcorn bag ready for the microwave when a text message appears catching her attention

It's from Caroline

"I miss you"

Hope smiles

"So do I I can't stop thinking about you next to me"

A knock at the door

Putting her phone down hope reaches for the handle

"Hello Hope"


A blonde haired tall boy stands greeting his old friend

"Are you gonna let me in or am I gonna stand here freezing in the cold"

Hope opens the door wide for the guy

"So what's up"

"Don't tell me your here for that teacher you were banging"

"I don't know what your talking about"

"I'm your best friend hope and I can say it isn't it going after older women is not gonna end well"

"That's not for you too decide"

"You were underage when she took your virginity she might be hot but its totally illegal and it makes her a peado"

"Don't talk about her like that"

His face frowns as he starts to realise how deep her friend has gotten herself in

"Oh no no no no don't tell me your...

"I think I love her....

"Hope get your head out this fantasy"

"You don't know anything about us"

"Go and date a girl your age"

"I don't want anyone I want her and I don't give a fuck if she's married because I know that I'll be waiting for her when she finally tells me she wants me"

He sighs a hand to his head knowing that no matter how many times he explains to her Hope is to stubborn for her own good

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