Anxiety attack

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This chapter includes : Yelling, anxiety attack, tics, panicking, crying,

Ranboo POV

I sat at my computer, playing Minecraft, and in a discord call with Tubbo. Tommy was also there, but he had homework to do. I had too, but I would do it later.

"I died! Omg!"
"You're just bad, that's all!"
"No, I'm not! I've played more than you!"
"We'll say that."

We continued to play for about half an hour, when I heard the front door slam shut.

I still hadn't told my friends about the divorce. I had kept it secret for half a month now. It didn't affect me that much, though it was tough. I was still in contact with my mother, even though my father wasn't.

My father was obviously more moved by it than me, but it mostly resulted in being out in the weekends, getting drunk and coming home, yelling at me, and pass out on the couch. He hadn't done other than that. Yet.

"Come down here, right now!" I heard yelling from downstairs.
"What was that?" Tubbo asked slightly concerned.
"Oh that's nothing, I have to go, see you later guys!"
"See you!"

I turned off my computer and went downstairs to the kitchen.

"Yes, father?"
"Why haven't you cleaned the dishes, boy?"
I flinched a little at the hard tone, but tried to keep calm.
"I've been writing my English essay, father."
"And you can't do the dishes then?"
"I'm sorry.."

His eyes burned.
"Don't just stand there! Do them now!"
"Yes, father.."
"And give me your phone!"

He hadn't said that before. Why would he want my phone?

"Just give it to me!"
I did as I was told.
"When will I have it b-back?"
"Who said you would have it back?"

My anxiety was slightly triggered now.

"B-but father- I ne-need it.."
"And so what? Do I look like I care?!"

I didn't reply, just started cleaning the dishes.


It was after school, me and Tubbo stood talking while we waited for Phil, Tubbo's father, to pick us up.

"Your parents know that you're staying at my place for the night, right?" The shorter boy asked.
I hadn't told my father, and he probably didn't care either.
"Yep, they're okay with it!" I lied.

Phil came and we got into the backseat.

"We have to pick up Tommy at his school, and Wilbur at Niki's place, then we'll drive home."

Wilbur was Tubbo and Tommy's older brother. They also had Techno, but he was nearly never home.

"Have you seen the video Dream posted this morning? It's great!" Tubbo asked me.

I hadn't. I hadn't gotten my phone back yet, and didn't have spare time before school this morning.

"No, I haven't," I replied.
"Now I think about it, you didn't reply to my texts this morning.." Tubbo thought out loud.

He pulled out his phone and went to my contact.

(A/N: the name is meant platonic)

Beloved Ranoo<3333

Are you up yet?



Are you there?
Sent 7:11 today

"You haven't even read them."

How should I get out of that? Should I tell him that my father took my phone?

My hand made a sudden movement, almost hitting Tubbo.
"It's n-not the- not the ti-time for t- ti- ti- tics." I muttered to myself.

(A/N: I'm not making fun of people with tics!)

I tried calming down, my tics mostly came when my anxiety triggered.

Tubbo took my hand, and looked me dead in the eyes.
"Calm down, Boo."

It helped a little. Phil looked at us in the mirror.
"Are you alright, Ranboo?" He asked, concerned.
"I-I-I'm fin-fi- I'm fin-e.."

Shit shit shit shit shit, not an anxiety attack! Please don't!

It was too late. My breathing became faster and I ticked again. Tubbo let go of my hand. He was used to my attacks, but they usually had a reason. I started to have the attacks without reason, a couple of days after the divorce.

"Dad, he's having an attack."

Suddenly everything became blurry, I couldn't see Tubbo, I felt a serious pain in my head. I put my hands up to my head, shaking. I couldn't open my eyes, due to the pain.


3rd person POV

Phil pulled in to the parking lot at Tommy's school. Ranboo's attack was one of the worst  he had ever had. The pain was in his head, his body, his mind. Tubbo tried to calm him down, but the tall boy wasn't able to hear his voice.

Phil got Ranboo out of the car, into the fresh air. It helped a little at the headache.

"Tubbo, go and get Tommy, you know where he usually waits."

Tubbo did as told. He glanced a last time at Ranboo, and walked towards the school building.

Ranboo was panicking, but he didn't know why. He was clearly uncomfortable.

"N-n-n-no, st-sto-stop." He stuttered to himself, trying to stop the anxiety from taking over. It didn't work.

"Ranboo, listen to my voice, try and focus on your breathing, okay?" Phil told the panicking boy. Ranboo's eyes became more focused, but also glossy.

"Hey, bud, it's okay.. you can't do anything about your attacks.. it's not your fault.."

Ranboo started sobbing quietly. Phil pulled him into a hug, calming him down. The headache was still there, but not as bad.

Tubbo came back running, closely followed by Tommy.

"Anxiety attack," was all Tubbo replied.

"I'm b-better no-now.." Ranboo told them when he was calm enough to talk without stuttering badly.

They all got in the car, Tubbo beside Ranboo, and Tommy beside Tubbo, in the backseat. Ranboo rested his head on the window.

They picked up Wilbur, and drove home.


Thanks for reading! I might be able to post another chapter later today, but I don't know. This was a little different from my other book, but I feel like this can go a long way! Check out my DNF book 'The blonde' too! (It's not done yet, but I don't have much motivation-)
Have a lovely time and remember you're loved!!

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