Blood in the bathroom

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This chapter is sad. Have this picture of Wilbur and George to make you feel less sad while reading.

This chapter includes : blood, crying.

3rd person POV

"Answer your phone, Ranboo.." The blonde muttered.

He sat on his bed, calling Ranboo for the 17th time that day. It was a week since he and Tubbo last had heard from him, even seen him. He didn't answer his texts or calls, hadn't been online, or coming to school.

"This is a voicemail, I am probably busy at the moment. Leave your message after the tone!" Ranboo's voice said.

"Fucking answer your phone, we're worried for you," The blonde said for the who knows what time that day.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come out in the kitchen won't you?"
"Oh, alright dad.."


Tommy POV

I stood up and pocketed my phone. I could try again later.

In the kitchen sat Tubbo, Wilbur and dad.
Wilbur looked as if he could punch someone, and Tubbo looked confused.
I sat down.

"Boys, Wilbur just went to Ranboo's house to check if he was there."
"Was he alright?" Tubbo asked, hope streaming to his eyes at the thought.
"I don't know! That bastard wouldn't let me in!" Wilbur sounded very mad.

I had never seen my brother so frustrated and mad. He normally shook it off after some minutes, but it must've really been serious what he had seen or done.

"His father opened the door and told me to get the hell away from his property, or he would call the cops! I hadn't even said a word!"

"We can check on Ranboo in the weekend! He said he was home alone in the weekends," I suggested.
"A good plan for once, Tom," dad said, tone serious.

Normally I would've gotten mad about the nickname, but this was a very serious conversation.


3rd person POV

It was Saturday. Tubbo, Tommy and Phil already sat in the car.


Wilbur sat down in the backseat, Tommy had called shotgun. The car started driving towards Ranboo's house.

The black Volvo wasn't in the driveway when they arrived. Phil parked and got out, the others following.

Tubbo found the spare key under a plant, and unlocked the door.

"I'll go first," Wilbur told the others.
"Alright," Phil agreed.

And with that they started to look around the house for the tall boy. Phil in the kitchen, Wilbur and Tommy upstairs, and Tubbo in the living room.

"This is his room, isn't it?" Wilbur asked Tommy, standing in front of a door in the hallway upstairs.
"Yeah, it is.."

Wilbur opened the door. The room looked terrible, not have been cleaned for almost a week. Blood laid on the floor, but the two boys didn't notice, or else they just decided not to mention it. On the floor also laid a phone, screen broken. Wilbur picked it up, and surprisingly it still worked. He looked at the home screen lighting up.

271 missed calls from Tommyyyy

426 new messages from Tommyyyy

"Wauw.. you really called a lot, huh?" Wilbur asked his younger brother, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh.. I didn't know it was that much," Tommy glanced at the phone, scratching the back of his neck while doing so.

"It just shows you care abou-.." Wilbur fell silent.
"What is it?" Tommy asked, a little concerned.
"Tubbo definitely worries about him.."
Wilbur showed Tommy the phone.

1152 missed calls from Tubbo <3 🐝

3831 new messages from Tubbo <3 🐝

Tommy was speechless. He knew that Ranboo was his little brother's best friend, but he had only been 'missing' for five days. Now that he thought about it, he didn't see Tubbo that much around the house since they found out about the divorce.

"What's in there?" Wilbur's voice shook Tommy from his thoughts, and he glanced the way his older brother was motioning.

"Bathroom," he simply replied.

Wilbur slowly opened the door. The sight that met him would never be erased from his mind.

The bathroom itself was nice. If you looked away from the blood covering the sink, the counter and some of the floor. It looked as if it had been there for at least two days. A razor laid on the floor. A towel laid beside it, fully drenched in the scarlet liquid. A couple of more razors laid on the counter, unused. It looked as if someone had been killed.

Wilbur stopped dead in his tracks as he took in the scene. Then he turned around to face his brother.

"Get dad up here, right now."
"Now, Tommy!!"

For a heartbeat Tommy hesitated. What was in that room?

He turned around, ran down the stairs, calling for his dad.

"What?" Phil appeared at the end of the stairs.
"Wilbur told me to get you, he's in Ranboo's bathroom," Tommy swiftly explained.

Together they ran up the stairs and into the room Wilbur still stood in. Phil took one look at the bathroom, eyes widening, holding Tommy back from the door, to prevent him from seeing.

"Tommy, call Ranboo's mother and tell her to get here, right now."
"What's in there that I am not allowed to see.?!"
"Just do it!"

Tommy would have argued back, but recognized defeat. He turned around and walked down the stairs again, opening his phone and finding Ms Ender in his contacts.

He clicked the call button and waited for her to pick up the phone.

"Hello, Tommy! How are you doi-"
"My father told me to tell you to get here as soon as possible, we're at Ranboo's home," the blonde explained, walking towards the living room to find Tubbo.

"What- why?"
"I don't know.."
"Where's Ranboo?"
"We don't know, he haven't been to school for the week and we were getting worried, so we went to check on him, but he's not here, and dad and Wilbur won't let me see what's in the bathroom.."

There was silence for a while. Tommy had now found Tubbo sitting on the floor, head in his hands, looking about to cry.

"I'll be there as soon as I can, there's a train going in 7 minutes."
"Thank you, we'll see you.."
"Goodbye Tommy.."
With that they hung up.

Tubbo looked at Tommy.
"Who was that.?"
"Ranboo's mother."
"Have you found him?" Tubbo's eyes filled with hope at the thought.

He didn't look at Tommy, but at a spot just above his shoulder. The hope was now replaced with pure sadness and anxiety for their best friend.

"Are you alright, Tubbo?" Tommy asked utterly concerned.
"Ye-yeah.." The smaller boy replied, but it wasn't convincing at all.

"Are you sure.?"
"I told you, yeah!"
"Tubbo, don't raise your voice, please.."
"Sorry.. I'm fine."
"Tubbo. You're not."
"I am!"
"Stop lying.."
"I'm not lyi- lying.." Tubbo stammered, on the verge of tears.

"Tubbo, it's alright, I'm sure Ranboo's alright."
"Re-really.?" Tears were falling silently now.

What they didn't know, was that right at that moment, Ranboo was on the edge of life, taken care of, but dying.


A little cliffhanger hehe!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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