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"This will be one of the greatest Purges in the history of the Saved."

It was a cold, rainy night in Safe Haven. Not that it mattered at the moment—the City District's Saved, once inhabitants of a comfortable cathedral, were currently situated in a damp tunnel far beneath the haven, sheltered from the cold and rain. A steady drip, drip, drip reminded them that rainwater was still leaking from the ceiling, seeping through the soil overhead, but they were confident in the structural integrity of Tunnel E-36.

"Rumours of a great abomination have plagued this haven for centuries—since almost the laying of its foundation," Brother Leeson, Apostle of the City Temple, declared to those gathered around him. "They speak of a community—no, a cult of deviants, inhabiting this very city! Scurrying about like rats, hiding in the shadows, carrying out their sin under the cover of darkness!"

Angry murmurs rippled through the crowd of Saved.

Leeson nodded, his grin illuminated by candlelight. "They break the laws of nature to satiate their depravity!" he went on, his voice rising and echoing throughout the tunnel. "And now word is spreading that they seek to normalize their despicable behaviour!"

"Get to the point," one of the Crusaders—Sir Pablo—muttered under his breath.

Leeson's sensitive ear twitched, but he showed no further signs that he'd heard the statement. "By the decree of the Elders," he continued, "we will be sending two Disciples to masquerade as eager new members in an attempt to locate the current habitation of these nomadic deplorables. Once the location is given, we will dispatch our greatest asset to Purge them: the Devourer." He gestured to his right, where the aforementioned assassin rested.

No longer clad in her usual armour (seeing as how it had been confiscated by Xirxine), Veronika looked startlingly different. Her amber eyes gleamed in the darkness, unhidden by the green contacts she'd been forced to wear. Her platinum-blonde hair was worn back in a ragged ponytail, and a single hole-covered poncho made of patched brown cloth served as her clothing.

Most striking of all, however, was the black face paint she bore. One thick black stripe a bit wider than her nose split the middle of her face vertically, and a horizontal stripe covered her eyes, stretching from one ear to the encompassed. It was a cross—a totem of the Saved.

"This so-called 'Lovers' Society' will burn in the fires of their own sin," Leeson snarled as Veronika stood up and walked over to his side. "And we will be one step closer to our ultimate goal." He spread out his hands. "For such is the will of the Lord."

"So shall it be," the Saved chorused.

Leeson's eyes glowed proudly. "The presbytery has elected Brother Andrew and Sister Beth to serve as the undercover operatives," he announced, motioning toward the two Disciples. "Pray for them, for this burden is great. To fraternize with and pass themselves off as those revolting Sinners are most undesirable assignments."

The Saved nodded and gave various sentiments of agreement, casting solemn glances at the two Disciples (both of whom were trying their best not to look shocked—and failing horribly).

"Now, onto some less pressing matters," the Apostle said, drawing the Saved's attention back to him. "Unfortunately, we still have some Undermaws roaming around outside this tunnel, as some of you found out the hard way..."


Sir Pablo walked up behind Andrew and Beth, putting his hands on their shoulders. "Hey. You guys good?" he asked.

"...Us? Yeah! We're great!" Andrew replied in a breaking voice, forcing a grin onto his face. "Wh—uh, why wouldn't we be?"

"Oh, I dunno. Maybe because Leeson's sending you into the belly of the beast?" Sir Pablo responded, raising an eyebrow. "These guys are no joke. They're serious about their beliefs—like, dead serious."

"Well, so are we, right?" Beth said with a nervous laugh. "I mean, we're the Saved. Nothing fazes us. Right, Andrew?" she added.

"Right! Totally right," Andrew agreed, nodding a few too many times.

The three Saved fell quiet for a moment.

The Sir Pablo stated, "You're both freaking out."

The Disciples immediately voiced their jumbled confirmation.

"Oh, please. Zere's nozing to be afraid of."

The trio turned as the Devourer approached them, hands on her hips and a disdainful scowl on her face. "You're just finding out vhere zey are hiding and relaying ze location to us," she said in a scoffing tone. "Simple as zat." Her eyes narrowed as she added, "So long as you don't get caught up in zeir vays."

"Caught up? Impossible!" Beth replied breezily. "We're Saved through and through."

Veronika lifted her chin. "Wunderbar. Zen zere should be no problems, ja?"

"Yah. I mean, yup," Andrew confirmed. "No problems."

"Gut." Veronika beckoned to Sir Pablo with a claw. "Pablo. Vis me. Ve haff been commissioned to take care of ze Undermaws."

"Gotchya." Sir Pablo cocked his gun—which he kept on him at all times—and grinned. "We go a-hunting!"

Veronika rolled her eyes as she and Pablo headed deeper into the tunnel.


"You could go a little easier on them, you know."

Veronika snorted, slinking through the darkness of the sewers as her eyes darted left and right. "I don't know vhat you mean."

"Oh, come on. I'm talking about Andrew and Beth." Sir Pablo swept the barrel of his gun left and right, scanning the shadows for any sign of movement. "You were so harsh on them. And you sounded like you were implying something."

"I did not imply anyzing zat vas not already assumed," Veronika growled, slowly sliding her claws out as something shuffled in the black. "Ze Saved are not vizout rumours of our own, as you are vell avare. Everyvun knows zose two are more amicable vis each ozzer zan anyvun else."

"Sure. But maybe you could consider the possibility that they're just good friends?" Pablo suggested, training his weapon in the direction of Veronika's gaze. "Ten o'clock."

"I see it." Veronika lunged into the shadows as Pablo opened fire, dancing around the lasers as she slashed at the massive creature that had been illuminated by the fire. In seconds, the beast was dead, splayed out in the sewage with the Devourer standing over its fresh corpse.

Pablo exhaled and lowered his gun. "All I'm saying," he went on, "is to cut them some slack. They already get picked on by some of the Crusaders. They don't need you on their back, too."

Veronika scoffed. "Slack. Right." She crouched low to the ground and kept moving through the sewers, saying over her shoulder, "Zere's a reason zey vere chosen for zis assignment, Pablo. It is as much a test as it is a mission."

"You really think Leeson—"

"I believe ze Elders see vhat everyvun else sees," Veronika snapped, shooting a glare over her shoulder. "Zis test vill eizer prove zeir faithfulness... or condemn zem as guilty."

Pablo paused, swallowing hard as Veronika disappeared into the dark.

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