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Now you know what I was talking about when I said the topic of this story really threw me for a loop.

I'm not gonna lie: I hated writing this story. I hated creating Andrew and Beth just to have them die in the end (especially since I liked them). I hated having to write Chapter III, even though what happened between Andrew and Beth was only implied and not shown. I just really, really, really did not like any of that at ALL.

The rest of the story, on the other hand, I will gladly talk about.

Thanks to the Saved's new digs and current status being "on the lam", I got the chance to give Veronika a new get-up. Her ragged outfit and painted face better complement both her wild, destructive side and her stoic, standoffish side. Not to mention it would look awesome in the fire scene.

Here's my own drawing of her two looks:

Here's my own drawing of her two looks:

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Sick, right?

Anyway, moving on. You might've noticed a Serpian woman named "Heather" has been appearing throughout my stories, working at various locations. Well, there's an explanation for that.

This is Heather

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This is Heather. She is a cheery, helpful workaholic who (to quote VivziePop directly) "cartoonishly works [at] a MILLION different places" in Safe Haven. Think Larry from The Amazing World of Gumball, but without the clinical depression. She will have a larger role in the future, especially when the—

—well, let me not get too far ahead of myself, heheheh.

In addition to Veronika's new outfit and Heather's first main role, we also got to see the Saved in action working out of their underground location and some loose ends from "Broken Heart" tied up. Despite their predicament, the Saved are still working with deadly efficiency, and thanks to Delvis breaking his bond with Veronika, they're mostly off Xirxine's radar. Add in the Phoenix blood they stole from Xirxine in "Reunion", and there's only one step left in their master plan...

...which brings up to our final point: the stranger named "Eve".

A little history for you (and a really mean a little): Eve is an old character belonging to Faustisse, one whom VivziePop gave a revamp. She is a Cervidian (deer-Shifter, for those who may have forgotten), a magician, a curator of Safe Haven's inner workings, works with Fisi, aaaaaaaaaaand that is all I'm telling you. The rest will be revealed in time.

And for anyone who's wondering about Candy and her son Jacob or the fate of Mr. Wildlove... stay tuned.

We're switching gears for the next story. Time to check in on good ol' Fitch and Marx, because these two brothers have some family business to take care of. They've traveled across the world together, fought godlike monsters, and butted heads over moral boundaries... but this impending conflict may very well shatter their relationship for good.

Next up: "P O W E R : E X O R C I S M". (Coming 3/26/22)


("P O W E R : L O V E R S" was written from January 4, 2022 to January 10, 2022.)

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