00 | Prologue

206 11 9

His dress shoes walked on the lowly cut grass as he held a bouquet of baby breath flowers as his head full of freshly platinum blonde hair hung low whilst scanning the headstones looking for his lover's name.

He held his composure, now lifting his head knowing she wouldn't want him to feel so solemn, the view of the her headstone was bigger than the others submerged in the same baby breath flowers that rested in his hand and peach toned tulips, her second favorite flower.

"Hey baby," the sweet words peeled from his lips as his unoccupied hand grazed to the stone, "how've you been babygirl?"

He wanted to cry but the memories of her scolding made him laugh, imaan always hated when he was sad and wished he could live such a happy life with her on his side.

"I know you're probably tired of seeing the same fucking flowers," a tear slipped from his eye as he gave a weak chuckle, "but I know they're your favorite and you know I always gave my baby whatever she wanted."

Hoseok sat the flowers down next to the picture frame that held a selfie of imaan took when hoseok was sleeping without the blanket on him revealing his bare ass cheeks.

"You're so mean for taking that picture," he shook his head trying not to laugh, "you're even worse for framing it babes."

Hoseok wished he could hold, caress, kiss, and cuddle her body as his hands ran through her locs or squeezed at the flesh of her ass and breast. Hoseok wished he could taste the same raspberry lemonade blistex chapstick on her full plump lips and taste the sweet blue raspberry frootie that stained her tongue blue if he hit the double jackpot.

"I miss you so much imaan," regarding the use of pet names he wanted his lover to know that he was addressing his words to her, "I wish that could've been me and not you."

"Now I'm left here," he continued, " to reminisce on all of our good times."

"And I know you're tired of me saying this," another tear slipped, "but baby I would do anything to bring you and your light back to me."


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