02 | Hoseok Jung

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Black Armani Suit. French stitches. Freshly platinum blonde hair. J-Hope.

The sky was no longer blue, now a dark hue of the night was on display and that's when he came out to play. To play with the ones who owed him, who didn't pay their respects to him, who shorted him his money, he came out in the night coming to get what was his.

Walking pass a Ford Focus, that wasn't there the day before, he walked across the two lanes street to a building that looked runned down but that runned down building was this now dangerous neighborhood's hotstop. 

From Drug dealers, who sold a wide variety to keep the junkies afloat, to subtle prostitutes who got paid for any minimal sexual act, to the civilians who know of this building don't even walk pass it in fear of getting shot bypassed on the opposite sidewalk, to the stray cats who just wanted to rub against your leg in hopes that you'll pet their little heads; this was like a trade station yet he didn't take anyone or anything serious especially if he had it on his hip.

He started to complain as he should've driven his car but it was short walk. The clapping of his Christian Louboutin's kissing the city cracked tar, he seemed closer to the building: when he stood in front the door, there was a drug dealer on his left with his hands in his pocket that exchanged a nod before his customer walked up to him with a 20 bill, and on his right stood a calico cat looking at him in curiosity.

"Don't look at me like that kitty," he smiled walking up and crouching down to pet the animal on its head as the kitten's mom watched from behind her baby, "you need to go back to your mom."

Getting up and bidding his goodbye to the baby and it's mother, he walked to the door, hand on the lukewarm metal twisting it open being welcomed by the familiar smell of weed, money, and cheap cigars. He walked in with two things on his mind:

Get my money.
Shoot the motherfucker who took it.

Author Note:
So yeah there is a playlist now and I'm throughly planning this book. Don't expect author notes:)

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