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(warning: this whole chapter is purely off of memory so not all wording will be completely canon and half way through i start following the manga so it might be a mix of the anime and manga) (S1 only.)

-editing possibly in progress!-
(Edited take 1 - there was so many loopholes omfg)

- editing 2 : I didn't like how everything felt so rushed

You a {c/h} girl with {c/e} eyes, a ginger girl with green eyes, an albino boy and a boy with raven haired swooped over one eye stand in front of a gate you were all young and had wandered out here past mom.

You all approached something that was widely forbidden to approach, the gate.

the ginger's hands wrapped around the gate. "mom always says don't go near the gate because it's dangerous." she spoke.

"she says that but its not true." the raven haired boy spoke.

"You say everything isn't true." You jabbed teasingly at the raven

"I wonder what's beyond this. what its really keeping us from."

You tried fitting your hand through the gap of the gate trying to pull a lever or anything. You knew it was dumb but you were feeling quite rebellious I suppose.

"that won't work." the albino boy said watching you struggle in a gentle tone

You pulled your hand back. Being the young kid you were, having hope of every silly delusion possible.

something about what they would do in the outside world was tossed around but you were studying every thing about the gate but nothing showed signs of how to open it from your angle. Your mind seemed to process this after a moment. You were hopeful though. That's how you need to be if you were gonna survive. Right? Or were you just in some delusion? Maybe the future would answer that.

"what do you wanna do Y/N?" Emma turned to ask you.

"hm?" you responded, your silly wandering thoughts came to a stop as kids thoughts do once clung onto a subject, about yourself. "I don't know Em. I think doing whatever with the 3 of you would just be all i want!" you exclaimed,  throwing your arms over Emma, clinging to her. "but... those dom like things with planets, I'd love to see that with all of you."

Emma smiled at the idea.

"Yeah that sounds gre-!" Emma spoke only to be cut off by the raven haired boy

"we should go back before mom finds us." the raven haired boy suggested.

Although you knew he was right, you liked the feeling of wandering. It is probably because at this time in your life 'rebelling' like a teenager is something you dream of. Something that is fun. You wanted to linger but Ray was right, of course. He seemed to almost always be right. You aspired to constantly counter him, that way you'd both be known as the know it alls. Yet, Norman always won out that title. He is a genius, even now.

Your arms retracted from around Emma's neck. You were no longer clinging to her. You stared at the gate like it was some type of staring competition. It felt so compelling. Even at a young age the gate just felt...dangerous, dark, murderous, and even unpleasant. It was supposed to be the opposite. A place of hope, happiness and freedom. At this very gate you were supposed to be adopted. You have a new life. You are free of the orphanage.

The ginger girl grabbed onto your arm. Emma had always been clingy touchy. Psychical contact was the thing you both did. Well, Emma was touchy with everyone. You were more 'picky' you could say. You only felt comfortable being super clingy with Emma but Ray and Norman you still did small pass touches. Maybe psychical touch was your love language but hey let's stay on topic. You were non responsive of moving from your spot for a moment.

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