📌5 ೄྀ

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you heard Norman was now looking for the ropes he placed around earlier that were actually traps. You came across the two checking the second floor bathroom ceiling. You hid around the door frame, peering in. You stepped back from the door. You headed up the stairs to the third floor. It only led to the attic door. You didn't need to go up there into the attic though. you just needed to hide. You crept up the stairs in a hurry but trying not to be loud. Now that you thought about it... Mom only came up here once in a while. You reached the door. Your eyes seemed to glue to the door in curiosity. Your feet edging from the top step as if you opened the door your foot would instinctly make you walk in.

Your hand glided to the door knob. Your hand carefully gripped it. You turned it. Locked.

Ray would hate you for this but you were going to try and get the key. It had to hold something valuable if it was locked.

"Y/N!" Phil called for you around the halls just below you.

You quickly turned from the door. You back down a few steps. You leaned over the railing to see if you could get a glimpse of Phil.

He was just wandering the hallway calling your name.

You quickly made your way down the steps, you even skipped a few. You skipped the last three while hanging onto the railing as you hit the 2nd floor.

"Phil!" You called back.

He listened to the sound of your voice. He found you in no time.

"What's up?" You asked, crouching to his level.

"Emma wants to talk to you." Phil said as he latched his small hands onto your wrist since one hand wouldn't cut it.

He then proceeded to drag you along to the library where Emma had been waiting for at least twenty minutes. You questioned Phil as the two of you walked there. For a four year old he had one hell of a grip. The young brunette boy just happily skipped while guiding you. Once you actually reached the library you carefully opened the door, stepping inside. You stood there awkwardly in the doorway.

You and Emma made eye contact. Her eyes filled with determination to make you talk to her again while also sadness. Your eyes were filled with 'I don't want to deal with this today.' You started turning around to leave. You didn't want to face her.

"wait! please!" Emma said taking a hold of your wrist. Phil left the room heading off to where ever Sherry was. "please, I don't want to fight." she said looking down holding your hand in both of hers "it's weird. I hate it. I don't like you not talking to me." she admitted.

As much as Emma was affectionate and constantly reminding all her friends that she loved them, for some reason that line of her liking you enough to not like you not talking to her. It seemed to hit a small cord with you. You felt guilty. Your eyes were glued to the floor.

"please don't drop out on this plan," Emma continued with her grip tightening. "We've done everything together since we were little. Hard, easy, anything! You've never given up... On anything."

"Em-" you blurted out turning your head to her.

"I don't want to stop doing things with you!" Emma cried out. "I don't want this to be what ends our friendship!"

Your eyes widened. Did you really give off that you felt like ending the friendship?

"are you insane? Of course this isn't the end of our friendship!" You quickly responded. "Don't say things like that." You mumbled.

The thought of losing them made you sick.

"It's not..? Then why were you acting so weird?!"

You went silent. You weren't sure how to explain it. You started isolating trying to deattach your emotions from the group. You were trying to convince yourself you didn't care. You didn't want to go through the pain of experiencing knowing this plan would end in death and YOU were the one involved. Who encouraged it. Then again both plans are suicide. So why were you being like this?

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