long story short. Part 2

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It was 1979 and we were heading to Australia in our tour bus. For me every journey was terrible, but this one was about to be absolutely horrible, because of the divorce. It was difficult to keep friendly atmosphere in the group when me and Bjorn are actually killing each other with just one look and Frida and Benny looked so happy together, or they just seemed happy...

Anyway, I sat at the end of the bus alone, and put on headphones to ignore the outside world. I was lost in my thoughts when someone touched my shoulder.

— Can I sit with you?- it was Frida
— Sure, but why?
— Benny is snoring, and because of it I can't sleep.
— Oh, ok.

I must tell you that I was deeply in love with Frida by that time. So the thought of her coming to me not just because she wants to be near, but only because Benny is snoring killed me inside. And I started to cry quietly, hoping she won't hear it. But she did.

— What's going on in your little head?
— Nothing.
— No, there is definitely something. Tell me what's wrong,- she placed her head on my laps and was looking right into my eyes.
— It's just Bjorn,- I lied
— So you're missing him?
— Kinda yes,- I saw pain in her eyes and I can definitely tell you that it's not my imagination, now she had tears in her eyes.
— Don't worry, maybe he misses you too and you just need to talk to him?- I heard a sob coming from her and the next thing that happened was she got up abruptly and ran away.

I was confused. What was it? Why did she ran away? Was she hurt? But why is she hurt? I need to know the truth, I need to comfort her as she always does to me. So I got up quickly and went to find her.

The only place where a person can find a safe place in the bus full of people is bathroom, so I went there. And when I reached my destination I heard someone's crying from the other side of the door, which was surprisingly unlocked.

When I entered I saw my girl lying on the floor, sobbing. I touched her soft hand and she lifted her head.

— Frida,- I didn't finished when she jumped on me with a big hug.
— Anna, I can't handle this anymore,- she whispered in my ear and then buried her head in my neck again. I let her relax a bit and then took her cheeks with my two hands.
— Please, stop crying, love, I know it's hard.
— What did you just call me?
— Oh, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have, please forgive me.
— No,- It hurts so much when you hear words that you don't want to hear at all. Especially when your beloved ones doesn't feel the same as you. And I thought: "Yeah, this is the end" when she suddenly continued,- I mean, no, you don't need to apologise. The truth is that I need. I must have told you this a long time ago, but I just couldn't do this to you and Benny, but now I don't really care about what he thinks,- I thought to myself that maybe they broke up and that's why she is crying,- the truth is that I love you...
— What?
— I'm sorry, Anna,- and then I just pulled her into a deep long kiss. Her soft lips taste like cherries. She grabbed my neck with both of her hands, stroking my cheeks with thumbs. And and it was just like I dreamed it. it patched my broken wings. I really missed her.
When we ran out of oxygen we pulled out of the kiss to have a little break.

— And what are we gonna do now?-she asked me quietly.
— it's up to you because i'm single now.
— Really?
— You're silly... If you haven't forgotten I am divorced.
— No, that's not what I meant. Are we really gonna be girlfriends?
— Why not?
— Totally agree with you, darling,- and we started kissing again.

After that day we started dating. We haven't actually told anyone about our relationships. Well, except Linda and Christian, cause they were living with us for a certain period of time. The very first day gay marriage became legal she proposed to me, so now I am her wife for almost 13 years! We are living on my farm now, but decided that we need to tell everyone that Frida lives in Zermatt, Switzerland, so as you can see now it's not true hehe.

Anyway, this is the end of our story, I am happy now because I am with her, despite her silly jokes(they are not silly, Agnetha! 😩 I know, that somewhere deep inside you love them💅— Frida)

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