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(Hospital, September 15th)
Akaashi's POV

I left campus with my mom and went to the hospital this morning. We did the necessary tests, per usual, and waited for news. If I got the all clear, I would be able to fly a broom and maybe even play quidditch.

My mom left to take a phone call while I just waited in the way too sterile room, for news. I had been in this room so many times, well this hospital so many times. I knew all the staff since I had been coming here since I was 4. I would often stay for multiple days so my room (on the third floor) was mine. However, since today was just a check up I didn't need to stay in it. I was just in this plain, white, boring room.

My mom came back and so did the doctor. "So Keiji, everything is great." I sighed out of relief at his words. "Recovery since last year is going according to plan and your lungs seem to be cooperating with the medication so they're at 59% capacity."

To somebody else that would've been awful news but... over 50% capacity means I get to fly. "So I can play quidditch?" I ask a bit more enthusiastically then usual.

My doctor nodded. "For small periods of time, yes." I had to bite my lip to contain my excitement.

(Lunch time, Hogwarts)

I ran into the grand hall (well walked as fast as I could) to join the groupe. "So?" Yachi asked impatiently.

"I can play!" I basically yelled.

Yachi got up and hugged me. "Yes! I'm so glad!"

The whole groupe congratulated me. "Well? What are we waiting for lets get this boy on a broom!" Kuroo said getting up from his seat.

Me, Yachi, Kenma, kuroo and Bokuto went outside while the others just stayed and ate their lunch. Kuroo got the brooms and we went to the quidditch field.

I took out my canula and put it against the wooden bleachers. "I can only fly or go without my oxygen for about 20 minutes at a time." I said.

"Okay lets go." They all got on their brooms and it took me a couple tries but (with the help of kuroo and Yachi) eventually I did too. I was really unsteady.

"Try to cross your feet under your stick." Bokuto suggested. I did as he said and was able to stable myself. He smiled and motioned to follow the groupe.

We went around the grounds, over the water, under the hogwarts arc, through the open hallway, across the quidditch field, in the quidditch hoops. We just flew everywhere. I wasn't allowed to go to high up, since the air gets thinner the more altitude you gain, but it felt so good to fly again.

When we got back on the ground, I felt like i was about to pass out, my lungs were screaming for air. I put down my broom and put in my canula taking a deep (as big as i could actually) breath.

Its okay, we're okay. Just wait a second, you'll be okay. I told my lungs as they burned and yelled. I leaned onto the bleachers to catch my breath.

My friends came up to me worried. "You okay Akaashi?" Yachi asked going to my side and moving my hair out of my face.

"Yeah, im okay. That was so amazing." I breathed out smiling.

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