Chapter Three: Friendship

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Marinette's pov:

A few weeks later...

"Hey, Chlo!" I can see Chloe on the steps by the school, she's on her phone like usual. I swear, she's on that thing more often than I work in my sketchbook, which is saying a lot.

"Mari!" Chloe walks over and links arms with me as we head inside. "Are you excited for the announcement?"

I can't help but roll my eyes. We both know what'll happen when Mme. Bustier tells the class that we're going to Gotham.

"You mean, am I ready to sit down and shut up as Lila takes all the credit?"

Chloe fakes a gasp, smacking her free hand over her heart. "Absolutely not! You are not letting that she-devil take credit for your hard work! Not this time."

"It's alright, Chlo. It doesn't really matter right now."

"Of course it matters, Mari. You matter."

I force a soft smile onto my face as we reach our seats. Chloe is going to sit by me in the back of the room from now on. She insisted.

"Thanks, Chloe." She nods at me and takes her seat. I start to set my things down and pull out my sketchbook. There are a few designs that I've been working on for commissions lately. Uncle Jagged asked for a new jacket, and Penny needs a new suit.

"Alright, class, settle down. I have some exciting news!" I glance up from the page I'm sketching in when Mme. Bustier walks in. "Our class has won a trip to America! We'll be going to Gotham for two weeks along with attending a gala hosted by the Waynes at the end of the trip."

The class broke into chaos as everyone excitedly chattered about the trip. I can vaguely hear Lila talking about her Damiboo, and when I glance at Chloe, she makes a gagging gesture.

My ex best friend, Alya, is now the most loyal of Lila's sheep, and she never fails to succeed in her new role. "Lila, I can't believe you got us this trip! You're the best, girl!"

"I guess my Damiboo missed me too much. He's such a sweetheart."

"Who's Damiboo?" Rose is a sucker for anything to do with romance, so it's no surprise that she asks. I just wish she wasn't caught up in the drama. She's too innocent for Lila's evil.

"Oh, I wasn't supposed to say anything."

"We won't tell anyone."

"Well, it's supposed to be a secret, but I'm dating Damian Wayne. I was close with the family when I was little. They practically thought of me as family. Damian and I were childhood sweethearts, but when I left Damian promised to love me forever. He's so kind and caring, I just hope that he remembers me."

"That's so romantic!"

"I'm sure he'll remember you, girl. Don't worry."

I tune out the rest of the conversation in favor of grabbing a fuming Chloe's hand. She looks pissed, and that's not good for anyone. We can't deal with another akumatized Chloe. It was a nightmare the first time around.

I lean over to speak to her so the others won't hear us. "Calm down, Chlo... They're not worth it. It's okay."

She turns a sharp glare on me, "Of course it's not alright. That bitch isn't even fact checking. Damian Wayne is most certainly not a sweetheart. He's a brat just like his brothers."

I send her a curious look in the hopes that she'll explain a little, and she gets the hint pretty quickly. Letting out a sigh, she rubs her forehead and speaks in a hushed tone. "My birthday's usually include some high class people, and the Waynes have attended before. I've met them before. Let's just say... we didn't hit it off."

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