Chapter 4

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Butters POV.
I had forgotten Tweek had to go talk to Craig so when I got to his house no one was home. I placed my suitcase beside me and sat on the step, my chin rested on my hands and I closed my eyes. My chest hurt, it always seemed to hurt in one way or another when Eric Cartman was involved... I can't believe he said those things to me! No, actually I can. I was an idiot to think anyone could care about me! I felt fresh hot tears form and run down my face, I let them fall, there was no use pretending I was okay anymore.

I wasn't.

I sniffled and closed my eyes, my body shook lightly and I hugged myself. A hand was suddenly set in my shoulder, I looked up and saw concerned blue eyes.

"Butters?" His voice was quiet and calming.

"Oh," I wiped my face "H-Hiya Ken" I tired to smile but it was strained. Kenny frowned and sat beside me, his arm wrapped around my shoulders.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I shrugged and didn't say anything, Kenny and I were close once but we drifted once high school started. Kenny looked at my suitcase and must of put one and one together.

"Aren't you suppose to be staying at fatass' house?" He asked.

"Yeah but...we um had I fight and he kicked me out" the words left a bitter taste in my mouth. Kenny frowned and glared.

"That ass-wipe! What was it about?" He asked.

"Nothing really" I lied but honestly I didn't really know what I did, I guess he just finally had enough of me like everyone does at some time. Why do you think my parents left me to go on vacation? Because I'm annoying and can't do anything right! Kenny observed me, he didn't push me to tell him. I love that about Kenny, he doesn't push into people business but when they open up to him he actually listens contently. Why did we ever drift? Kenny slipped his hand into mine and rubbed it lightly with his thumb.

"Do you want to hang out with me?" Kenny asked with a smile "We can go get some ice cream~" I blushed a little and smiled.

"That sounds nice" I smiled and got up, Kenny and I walked off towards the main part of town, Kenny kept holding my hand which felt really nice.

Eric's POV

I was holding blue flowers which were the same blue as Butters eyes, I held my IPod with a small speaker attached, I had the song I think I'm in love by: Kat Dahila on pause, I was ready to do this. I was going to confess all my feelings to Butters and what happens after that... Happens. I knew he'd go to Tweeks so I walked up the sidewalk that turned down Tweeks street. I froze when I saw Butters with someone, that someone was Kenny. I glared but didn't continue walking, I ducked behind a tall hedge so I could watch the two, a couple minutes went by before Kenny and Butters got up, they were holding hands! My chest squeezed and my body filled with anger, Kenny that asshole! I ran up to them and yanked Butters away from the blonde casanova's grip, Butters squeaked and stared up at me with shock.

"You're coming with me" I growled at Butters but I wasn't mad at him just Kenny. Kenny glared at me and grabbed Butters other arm, tearing him from my grip.

"Fuck off asshole!" Kenny hissed "you're nothing but cruel to Butters what gives you the right to jump in like you own him!" I flinched at Kenny's words... Was that true? Did I act like I owned him?

"I don't do that!" I snapped but even I knew I was lying, I guess I'm just possessive. Kenny went to speak again but Butters gave him a look before looking back at me, he looked confused and hurt but also happy?

"W-Why are you here Eric?" He asked, I stood there trying to grasp the words to say but all I could do was blush and look at my feet.

"I'd rather tell you why... Alone" I shot a glare at Kenny who returned it. Butters frowned and looked at Kenny.

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