Chapter 6

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(Okay I have no excuse but writers block, school, depression and laziness... But I'm going to try and update at least every two weeks! How you like some fluffy shit because it's a coming lol)

Butters Pov.

Eric seemed to be in a bad mood now... He looked distracted, even menacing.  My frown deepened, my hand reached out and grasped his. He glanced back at me glaring, his stare then softened and a half smile graced his lips.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Y-yeah... I'm just thinking" He smiled and pulled me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me in a big bear hug. "I love you, ya know that right?" He asked, my face grew red and my chest throbbed. If the hallway wasn't empty I'd be extremely embarrassed but it was just him and I. I smiled up at him, I stood on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek. "I love you too, Eric"

We held hands and walked home, while we walked I couldn't help to notice how big Eric's hand was compared to my own. He was also a lot taller than me, I was 5'4" and he was 6'0" I could barely kiss him even on my tip toes, it makes me wonder how we look walking next together hand in hand? Though I do really like the fact he's so tall... If you asked me what my type was, tall would definitely be on the list and brunette, Hazel eyes and a dominate attitude... I guess I should come clean. I'm slightly masochistic, I like being controlled and dominated but I guess it's a little obvious seeing that a fell for a guy like Eric. I love it when he's being a sweetheart, it makes my cheeks flush and my heart throb but when he's teasing me, it just makes my knees weak and my body hot with want. My face feels warm just thinking about it! I gave a breathy sigh as a warm tingle ran through my body, habitually biting down on my lower  lip.

"Butters?" Eric is looking at me with a cocked eyebrow, I awkwardly coughed and ran one hand through my hair.

"Uh y-yes?" I asked, he grinned at me almost evilly his eyes traced my face and body giving me a once over.

"What'cha thinking about?" he asked me, I fidgeted with my sleeves. We had stopped walking. My eyes scanned the wooden fence next to us and then the cracked side walks.

"Um n-nothing really" I stuttered before laughing, something I always do when I lie or I'm uncomfortable. This case was both.  Eric stared at me, observing me. He knew something was up but I wasn't going to reveal my dirty thoughts to him.. "I'm just... cold..." I lied.

"Really?" He asked, I think he knew I was lying  but I was sticking to it!

"Yeah" I wrapped my arms around my shoulders and shivered saying "Brrrr" hopefully convincing him, which shouldn't be that hard since I actually am kind of cold. He rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Geez you" He chuckled and began unzipping his red hoodie causing my cheeks to flare red.

"No no no no no, ya don't have to do that!" I shook my head erratically,  "I'll be fine until we get to the house" He didn't respond he just continued to wrap the warm red fabric around my small form.

"Put your arms in" He ordered, I sighed and did what he said. My slender arms easily slipped into the big sleeves, he zipped the hoodie all the way up and flipped the hood up. He was making me feel like a child but I was also really happy he cared so much. I probably looked ridiculous though, wearing a hoodie three time my size. The bottom reached my knees and the sleeves were too long making my hands disappear. Eric was smiling at me, amusement in his eyes. He was now only wearing a black long sleeved shirt and jeans, I felt bad.

"Eric ya really didn't have to do this... aren't you cold?" I asked.

"I'm fine as long as you are" He took my hand or more like my sleeve and we continued our way home. I was a lot warmer now, I hugged Eric's arm and nuzzled his side.

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