Chapter 7

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(Guess who's back ^~^)

Cartmans POV

I woke up with a weight on my shoulder, when I glanced down I realized it was Butters. I felt my mouth upturn in a grin. Damn I could get used to this! I placed a kiss on his forehead and then carefully moved him off of me so I could take a piss. He moaned and rolled over but remained asleep. Fuck he's adorable. I looked at the clock it read 6:00 AM, school doesn't start for another two hours. I rubbed my eyes and went to the bathroom, after relieving my bladder I hopped in the shower. My hair felt tangled as I ran my fingers through it effectively lathering it with shampoo, my hair was super fucking thick and always turned into a rats nest. I liked how my hair softened and untangled as soon as I used conditioner, it was weirdly satisfying. Once I was clean I didn't get out, I leaned my head against the wall and let the hot water run over my body. Butters ran through my mind. I wasn't sure if I should tell him what Kenny said or not. What if when he finds out Kenny is interested in him, he leaves me. Dammit! It sucked being pissed at someone and not being able to do anything about it, usually I'd ruin there fucking life! But I can't do that shit anymore, I'm trying to be a better person for Butters. It's so hard though! I grumbled and turned off the water so I could grab a towel and get out. I wrapped it around my waist and walked into my bedroom, Butters was sitting up. He looked at me disorientated at first and then smiled. "G'morning Eric" He chirped, my heart skipped and I knew he was worth it all.

"Morning babe" I smiled at him then I went to find some clothes to wear, I felt eyes on me suddenly. I looked behind me Butters was blushing and he eyes were wide, I chuckled. He must of just noticed I had only a towel on. I decided to tease him. "What'cha looking at there Butters?" I asked damn well knowing the answer.

"Ah! N-Nothing!" He looked away, I walked up to him and leaned close to him. He shied away and wouldn't look directly at me.

"You're allowed to look you know" I whispered to him placing a kiss on his ear, he looked at me blushing.

"I don't t-think I could handle t-that!" he hid his face, I laughed.

"Well don't look then cuz I'm changing" I dropped the towel and grabbed a pair of black boxers to throw on, while I searched through my drawer for a shirt I glanced at Butters. His eyes peeked through his fingers, I shook my head in amusement. I dressed in ripped jeans and a red hoodie over a black v-neck tee shirt. "You can stop pretending your not looking at me now" I said to Butters, he squeaked behind me.

"I-I wasn't!" He protested.

"Okay babe" I rolled my eyes "I'm going to cook some breakfast," I headed downstairs to the kitchen. First thing I did was grab a glass and filled it with some OJ. I grabbed my cook book and sat at the island where I flipped through the book and sipped my drink. I liked cooking for people, especially Butters. I found a quick waffle recipe. As I took out the ingredients I looked at the time, it was 7:10 AM now, school started at eight. I honestly didn't care if I was late or not but if I was late again I'd get detention and that sucked ass. I began to mix the batter for waffles, I took out some strawberries, whipped cream and syrup. Once the waffle iron was heated to the right temperature I poured the batter into the six trays and closed the lid, wiping away any excess batter that leaked down the sides.

I heard Butters coming downstairs, when I saw him I noticed his hair was damp. He was now dressed in a light blue pull over hoodie and white skinny jeans, in his hair were two baby blue bobby pins in a X shape. I smiled, I really liked how he dressed. I felt a twinge of guilt when I remembered I was really mean to him before about his style choices. "You look cute" I blurted, he paused for a second and then smiled.

"Thanks" he looked so happy and his smile must have been fucking infectious because I felt my self grinning. I rubbed my neck sheepishly.

"..You always look cute.." I mumbled, then the waffle iron made a ding telling me to take the waffles out.  I turned to open it and to also hide my face from Butters.  I pulled the waffles out and onto twp plates, two for Butters and four for me. I attempted to impress Butters, who was watching me with awe, by making them fancy as fuck. I put a swirl of whipped cream in the middle and then placed cut up strawberries around it, then I drizzled syrup all over. I smiled "There" I held out the plate to Butters, he took it and smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2016 ⏰

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