chapter 8 Preperations

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The next day on the land treader the group gather around the command table Kurt sets down a fairly well yet rough layout of the rabbit hole

"A very well drawn layout Kurt but are you sure the dimensions are right?" Lady asks

"More or less thanks to Raloran here" Kurt says looking at the map "but theres more" Kurt says "i think i found out our target a bit" he says "he's not that athletic of a guy but he is very flighty on his feet and yet in good health so were gonna need to be quick and hit him hard" he explains "his armor looks pretty sturdy but I'm sure we can take him easily but we shouldn't underestimate him" Kurt further explains

"Maybe its smart we make some poison for him you know to soften him up" Raloran suggest "hey Lady you got anything for this?" Raloran asks and Lady thinks for a bit

"I remember that the giant purple worms of the desert have a extract that could make a deadly poison" Lady says "i also remember that giant snake venom and wyvern venom can make the poison more lethal" Lady says and Raloran thinks a bit then searches through his job papers and then pulls out two

"Theres one here about a purple worm thats been seen in some underground ruins,one about a swarm of giant poisonous snake in a local shop and two wyverns thats been circling a caravan group so win win win" Raloran says

"Ok lets put that as a idea" Kurt says "next we need a plan to get inside me and Raloran have pendents that will get us inside and Lady can get inside the rabbit hole with us sense were basically selling her off but the biggest problem is getting Cybel and Magun inside" Kurt says

"There is the backdoor here" Raloran says pointing at the backdoor near the stage "but i looked behind there with my drone and it seems the doors only one way plus theres two guards guarding that door" he explains

"I can handle them" Magun says

"You sure Magun we can think of a way to get you though it" Kurt says

"I am sure" Magun says

"Right well with that out of the way now whats the plan?" Lady asks looking at the map

"Right so me and Kurts gonns bring you in right you play along as some broad you get to the guy in the vip section either getting his attention or sneaking in either or then you stab him" Raloran says

"We will need a way to smuggle in my greatsword a dagger or shortsword for Lady and the poison" Kurt says

"Simple my handy dandy invention the interdimensional storage sack" Raloran says and shows a green glowing eyed bag having a face that looks robotic showing himself pulling out his scoped rifle retracted then puts it back in

"Wow how much room is in there?" Kurt asks

"This baby can hold up to five hundred pounds worth of stuff so it still has alot of room for your greatsword and Ladys stuffand yet it retains being only fifteen pounds in weight" Raloran says "so no worries on that once me and Kurt are inside and your handed off to get ready for your debut Lady I'll give Kurt your dagger and the vial of venom were gonna be making and you can lead him into the private rooms and then he can give both of them to you" Raloran explains and Kurt rubs his neck a bit emberressed on that part

"Uh Right well if this goes off without a hitch and Lady kills the target she can either search his body for anything that might rake in more dough or leave her call" Kurt says

"I will plan accordingly" Lady says

"Just be careful we dunno what Pain is doing in six days for his anniversary his schedule might change" Kurt says and Lady nods "if things go south Magun and Cybel can come in and help us all fight and save you and then we can plan for a different time" he explains

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