chapter 22 the blessed ones

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Out in the foggy woods of Tamrisil Kurt is leading the others looking at a round vial of dark magenta liquid

"So this is lycan poison huh pretty color i won't lie" Kurt says putting it away safely then pulls out the map

"Yeah its frocking bullshit we only get three vials each its not gonna be enough to punch through a horde of werewolves let alone kill this blessed one" Raloran says

"We will make it work if anything Ladys scouting should keep us from using them so early plus you and Magun don't really need yours by the looks of it last time so me and Lady can use yours" Kurt says and then looks back at Magun who is focused "hey Magun how are you holding up?" Kurt asks "i mean were facing the black blooded i just wanna make sure your head is in a right place you know?" He adds

"Mmmmmmmmm fine....if i am to kill Uhland himself and his blessed champion then so be it i will make sure they feel the wrath of my claws" Magun says keeping his focus and Kurt nods

"And i promise you will and were gonna help" Kurt says then the group hears the rustling of the bushes and get ready but then Lady comes out of it and they all sigh in relief calming down

"Thank whatever force is out there it's just you" Kurt says and Lady gets out brushing the twigs and such off her "so did you see any Lycans in our path?" Kurt asks and Lady shakes her head

"None but i did find the ruins it has been fashioned out to a encampment" Lady explains and signals everyone to follow her and they do so. Getting to a opening the group sees pieces of a ruin made of a white wood appearing around them in the woods then coming up a opening with sunlight gleaming through it and upon going through it the group sees a huge site of ruins of what looked like holy lands turned into a savage encampment made of darkened brown wood skulls littered about and various meat hung up with skulls to make ominous warnings by the looks of it and in the camp are werewolves wearing the same pauldrons as those of the large wolves Kurt and company faced and on the church at the far back is a symbol of a beastly clawed paw banner on both sides near thr doorway

"The black blooded in there domain" Magun speaks up

"That symbol whats it suppose to represent?" Kurt asks curious

"The symbol of Malar it is there diety they follow represent pure savagery and bloodlust" Magun says "they hunt anyone and anything seeing there curse of Lycanthropy as a means of survival" Magun adds

"Oh yeah i heard of these worshippers a bit i heard a rumor that the azure blades took in some nut who ate his own kind speaking gibberish about some Beastlord" Raloran says and Kurt is suprised to hear that

"Interesting though they don't seem to be the talkative type so let's make a plan" Kurt says and nods at Raloran and he nods to sending out his dtone making it look around the area they notice that there is a far off ruined tower overlooking the camp "that tower off in the distance might be a good sniping point what do you think Raloran?" Kurt says and Raloran thinks abit on it

"With how far that tower is i say it's hundred and seventy five feet its a long shot but I'm sure with my rifle i can take up a nest plus with that angle it looks like i can get most of the camp" Raloran says and Kurt thinks a bit

"Ok heres the plan me and Magun are gonna go up to the front and see if we can get some of the guards out and fighting us that way Raloran can snipe them from the building" Kurt explains then sees a bit of the wall under construction to the upper left hand side of the camp "meanwhile Lady you sneak into the encampment using that opening and see what you can pick off they be to focus on attacking us and looking for Raloran so you may have enough time to get the drop on them if your quick and silent enough" he adds

the blackguard companyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora