Just like the simulations

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Training room

The rules were simple, the 212st and 501st would fight it out in a typical capture the flag scenario. Victory would be achieved if either the opposition flag was captured and returned back to the capturing team's base or all members of the team have been eliminated. Elimination was simple, go outside the game parameters, you get eliminated. If you conduct any foul play like punching, kicking, or using the Force, you get eliminated. The last way you get eliminated would be to receive a hit on your torso or helmet, if you get hit in the arm, you cannot use that arm anymore, same goes for legs. Everyone had a paintball gun along with enough ammo to fill up the mag 3 times. In addition, everyone wore a plain set of Phase 2 armour but with a blue or red stripe

There was a third team, this team was wearing armour with black stripes. They were the referees and administrators of the course. The black team consisted of Wolf, Booster, Sink, Comet and Warthog. Wolf and Comet were in the middle of the simulation on the sidelines, monitoring from the two opposing corners were Booster and Sink all while Warthog was flying above in a BARC speeder looking over the whole battle.

After the teams discussed their game plans, they proceeded to exit and move towards their respective bases. The simulator looked similar to the ones on Kamino, but they had some differences. There were two forts on opposite ends of the simulator and there were a few small walls in the middle of the battlefield (It basically looks like the Citadel challenge from Clone Cadets but mirrored and with a small room inside the Citadel).

212th side:

Obi-wan called for his team to be gathered around him. There was Cody, Waxer, Boil, Lucky, Sprinter and Swoop, a rookie that had just joined the 212th he had notoriously gotten his name for being one of the best speeder drivers in the 212th. Only he didn't know the madness he had signed himself up for.

"The plan is to go for a two-pronged assault, Cody, Lucky and myself will take the left flank. Waxer, Boil, Sprinter and Swoop, you will take the right. Our objective is to eliminate as many as possible and drive them into a retreat. Then we will regroup and push for the flag." The general explained, this plan seemed flawless. They flicked a switch and their flag turned on to reveal a bright red light shining across their base, this signalled that they were ready.

501st side:

The team consisted of Anakin, Ahsoka, Rex, Fives, Echo, Jesse and Hardcase. Now of course a regular helmet would not be able to fit Ahsoka's montrals so she was just wearing a face mask that would protect a good portion of her face. Their plan was straight forward, openly rush them and make a massive scene while Fives and Echo sneaked around somehow.

Switching their switch on as well, Wolffe sounded an air horn to commence the battle.

"I'm going to get that air horn when this is done." Fives said in Jesse's ear as they took cover to avoid a massive barrage of paintballs coming their way.

Just like they planned, the 212th jumped into action, Waxer and Boil made a quick sprint to the nearest cover while Sprinter and Swoop laid down cover fire. Obi-wan and Cody had already made it to their position, but Lucky got caught in the leg and was slowly making his way to them.

"Not so lucky now are ya!" Ahsoka shouted from across the battlefield. Looking over, the 212th forces saw a line of rifles behind a wall of cover, ready to make it rain paint. Lucky stayed behind to cover the rear while Sprinter filled his place. The two orange teams pushed up one at a time, when one was moving, the other one was providing suppressive fire. Eventually the two got an equal distance to the large blue team and was ready to engage.

Meanwhile, Fives and Echo were still 20 metres back, try to look for a way past the two opposition teams without being noticed. Echo went over to Booster and asked him if they could walk on the wall to get to the other side. Booster simply replied by saying that the rules stated that a player would be disqualified if they went outside the parameters. It never specified that they couldn't walk on the parameter lines.

Climbing up on of the towers, Fives and Echo slowly started walking across the wall, careful not to fall. If they fell to the left, they would be disqualified, if they fell to the right, the 212th would notice them and their whole plan would be undone. Looking over the battle, the pair saw that the 212th were making a large push, forcing their team to retreat. Jesse and Ahsoka both got hit, quickly throwing their rifles to Anakin and Hardcase. Both of which started just going full auto, giving no regard to ammo.

In the stands, a rather large crowd had gathered to watch this almost historic battle between two of the most prominent groups of the GAR. Some notable members of the crowd were Fordo, Fox, Thire, Thorn, Razor and Stack. Even some Jedi had joined the stands, these included Shaak Ti, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, even Mace Windu had subtly joined the crowd and was sitting in the back.

The 212th had halted their attack to do a quick headcount; Obi-wan, Cody, Waxer, Boil had made it through Anakin and Hardcase's onslaught unscathed, Swoop and Sprinter both got tagged in the chest at least twice and Swoop even got hit in the helmet. Deciding to fortify their position and to observe the field, the remnants of the 212th fortified their position and waited.

Inside the fort, Anakin, Rex and Hardcase loaded their guns, but there was a problem. There were only enough paintballs left for one extra mag. Deciding that Hardcase should fill up one of the spare guns and spray from the roof while Anakin and Rex covered from the door. Hardcase quickly made his way through the back staircase and went in prone on the roof. Essentially, the 212th would have to advance through the door and up the stairs for them to get the flag.

Making there advance, Waxer and Cody both got immediately pumped full of rounds by Hardcase who was taken out by Lucky, who had managed to arrive just as they were about to advance. The two remaining untouched 212th members kept firing at the door, eventually hitting Anakin and then Rex, who had rushed out in a desperate last stand.

"Victory to the 212th!" the orange team yelled, receiving praise from most of the stands.

"Not so fast, I don't see that you guys hold our flag." Anakin pointed out.

"But we eliminated your whole squad and last time I checked, that is a win." Obi-wan said with extreme sass.

"Did you though." Rex said, pointing to the 212th fort, all eyes turned to see Fives and Echo on top of the 212th fort, holding a flag high in the air. Cheers erupted from the stands, even Windu started clapping.

"With a decisive and clear victory, the 501st win this skirmish." Wolffe announced with a massive grin across his face. He had of course been watching Fives and Echo the whole time and their impressive sneaking ability.

Fives seized this opportunity to quickly run to where Wolffe was observing from to quickly steal the air horn, which he will use to great effect later for sure.

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