Those three words.

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(A/N: so there was a good reaction to the last chapter, thank you guys! I plan on putting more fluff and cute moments in the future chapters of this story. Maybe a little smut, but I don't know yet because that's awkward lol... ENJOY!)

Music: Sex Metal Barbie (by In This Moment)

*Ricky's POV*
After what happened last night, on stage, I've noticed that Ryan is a lot happier and carefree. I don't know if it's because of the kiss or if he just realized that he was being stupid for being mad at me, but whatever it is, I liked it. He was smiling a lot more and that brought a smile to my own face.

But along with the happiness from Ryan, came the teasing from the rest of the guys. It wasn't bad teasing, only chanting for us to kiss again... Every. Five. Minutes. Which occasionally we obeyed and did kiss, but most of the time they were just making fun of us in the friend kind of way. They thought we'd make a cute couple which I do agree, but my sexuality still came into play. I wasn't afraid of being gay, I knew the guys wouldn't treat me badly, if anything they'd be all over me, its just I don't know if it's true or not. I've never felt this way about any other guy before, only Ryan. Maybe I'm just a RyanSexual. Is that even possible,to be attracted to only one person of the same gender and not be gay? And what about Ryan, was he gay? If so, he never said anything.

I had these thoughts frequently and usually at night when I wasn't distracted and kept occupied with work or practice or performances. I dwelled on these thoughts in detail and even sometimes I'd dream about them, only to be woken up by nightmares or Ryan to comfort me. Even tonight.

"Ricky?" He shook my arm gently while I slept uncomfortably. I wouldn't even call it sleeping because I would wake up in a panic every half hour or so. "Ricky, what's wrong?" Ryan stood in front of my bunk and continued to shake my shoulder until I woke up, or responded.

"Nothing." I groaned and lied, rolling over to face him completely. I hiked the blanket up to my chin and curled up into a small ball, like my cat who was back home.

"You were whimpering." He looked at me unimpressed with his hands placed firmly on his hips. So much sass packed into one little man. I hid my face into the soft blanket to hide my growing blush.

"No I wasn't." Yes I was.

"Well fine, tough guy, they I guess I won't invite you into my bed to cuddle." He turned his back on me and teased me. I caught his hand before he could close the curtain on my bunk. I wouldn't miss out on cuddling with Ryan whether I was gay or not. "Yeah, that's what I thought." He smirked and helped me out of my bunk.

*Ryan's POV*

I held Ricky's hand as he hopped off of his top bunk and slithered into mine. He looked so comfortable already as he laid his head on my pillow waiting for me to follow him into my bunk once again. We did this often at night because he couldn't ever sleep anymore, he was always interrupted by his mind. Everyone else was asleep by now so we would have our nightly talks, until I could get him to fall asleep.

I scooted in next to him and stared up at the top of my bunk, just thinking. "RyRy..." Ricky played with my shirt, twirling his finger in the fabric unconsciously and drawing designs on the fabric over my chest as he rested his head on my shoulder. "I'm not gay." he had caught my attention

"What do you mean?" I questioned while turning on my side slightly. He followed my lead and turned on his side as well so we were both facing the wall. I draped my arm protectively over his stomach and unconsciously pulled him closer to me, spooning him.

"I don't feel gay." He shrugged.

"Silly, you can't feel gay, you just are." I explained. I mean, I don't think I'm gay either but I really don't know. I think it's just common sense that gay isn't a feeling.

"I mean, I've never liked another guy before, just you, it's weird. I'm not gay, that's all I meant." He hid his face once more in my blanket. I felt goosebumps arise on his pale skin as I brushed my hand over his arm.

"Are you cold?" I wondered out loud.

"A little." He answered. I placed a small kiss on the back of his neck then tucked my head back in the crook of his neck and shoulder, pulling the blanket over both of our bodies.

After a while, Ricky's body went completely still except for his soft breathing. He was asleep finally, and he wasn't going to wake up this time until morning. But I was left awake, sleep clouding my eyes. I pressed another soft kiss to his neck, pulling him as close to me as possible.

"I love you." I whispered, knowing he wouldn't hear me, before finally closing my eyes and passing out from exhaustion.

Sorry it was short, but it was extremely fluffy!! What can I say? I like fluff... And I'm sorry I'll try to make Ricky more "manly" in the chapters to come lol...I hope you liked it eh?

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