Now or Never. (Final)

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(A/N: yes, this is the last chapter for this book... The sequel information will be posted next... I'm scared to end this tho because I don't want y'all to not read the sequel and forget about it, so promise me you will all be just as active with the sequel!)

Music: The Show Must Go On (by Famous Last Words)

Adam's Song (by Blink 182)

*Ricky's POV*

I slid out of my bunk in the morning while groaning. The last concert of this tour was today and I was both excited and sad. After this tour id go back to my normal boring life. Well not boring because Motionless would start recording its new album soon, but not as exciting and amazing as this. Most of all, I wouldn't be staying with Ryan as much. I mean, we'd still hang out literally like everyday but it wouldn't be the same.

"Do I smell bacon, or have I gone crazy?" I sniffed the delicious smelling air as my stomach growled like an angry dog. Jeez if I didn't eat something I'm afraid my stomach would eat me.

"Morning, handsome." Ryan greeted me from the couch.

"Good morning to you, too." Chris intervened sarcastically, earning multiple glares from me and Ryan and some chuckles from the rest of the guys. I snuck a piece of bacon of a plate in the kitchen then joined the guys on the couches. "So let's get down the business, this is our last concert for this tour and we have to do something big!"

I thought for a moment then gave up when i couldn't come up with any good ideas. "I think we have a few ideas." Ghost chuckled and nudged Ryan suspiciously. Ryan just laughed and rolled his eyes while crossing his arms over his toned chest. We all looked at them oddly then shrugged it off because we all know that Ghost is crazy.

I shoved another piece of bacon in my mouth but it was really big so half of it was sticking out of my lips. Before i could even finish the whole piece of bacon, Ryan bit the other end of the strip of meat and ate it Lady-and-the-Tramp style. I whined at him impatiently because i was still very hungry. "Babbbeeeeee." I pouted sticking out my bottom lip. He placed a soft kiss on my lips then smiled as if that would make up for the lost piece of bacon... okay, it made me feel a little better, but the bacon though. I stole another kiss from him, only to be interrupted by Chris's groan.

"You guys kiss one more time and i will kick you both." He threatened sarcastically.

"Oh, leave them be, they're young lovers!" Ghost cooed, obviously loving how cutesy we were being. Well, what do you expect? Couples always start out all lovey-dovey , and after a while they start fighting and drifting apart until eventually they fall out of love with each other and end up loathing each other instead. God, i hope that never happens with Ryan and I. I wish i could be with him for ever and ever. I never really thought about the future and if i see him in it with me or not, but for now i hope he's in my future whether it be as a band mate or a lover. I haven't decided yet.

*Ryan's POV*

My body trembled as all of the guys and I started to head to our last venue. This had to be special, this last show, and i had the perfect thing to make it just that. Only Josh and Ghost know, but i think Chris is starting to catch on. But as long as Ricky doesn't know, I don't care. I raked my hand nervously through my long hair, careful not to pull at it again because i knew Ghost would definitely yell at me. Ghost was always so protective over Ricky and I, i don't know why. Maybe he thinks we're 'fragile' and can't handle things on our own, which is definitely the truth in some cases, but with Ricky i feel like i can take on the world. I've never felt that way before, but let me just say that it is addictive like a drug, maybe even worse.

"How's my make up?" Ghost asked me, turning to face me with an eyeliner pencil in his hand along with another makeup brush. I think he was going for the Edward Scissorhands look tonight, because damn he looked fabulous.

"Lookin' good, Scissorhands." I complimented, nodding my head casually as i typically do. Everyone was doing their last minute touch-ups on their make up and wardrobe before going out on stage except for me. I already applied my thick layer of body paint to half of my face, but that's about all i had to do since i was already dressed in my usual concert attire.

"Quick, which shirt should i wear?" Ricky ran up to me clutching two identical black shirts in his hands. I just chuckled and shook my head. "What are you laughing at?" He pouted, still anxious about what he should wear.

"Nothing, its just that i swear you sound more and more like a girl everyday." I snickered as he glared at me and hit me with the hanger attached to one of his shirts. "Ow! What was that for?" I flinched.

"For being an asshole." He laughed.

"Yeah, but i'm your asshole." I winked causing him to hit me again. "Go with that one, it looks good on you." I pointed to one of the black shirts that i remembered looking quite flattering on him.

Eventually we all managed to finish our appearance in time to run out on stage in front of a constantly cheering crowd. As i jogged out into the blinding lights and found my place on the stage, i swear i was sweating all of my make up off while shaking like a Chihuahua. It was now or never and i knew i couldnt back out. I had to do this or else i'd hate myself for the rest of my life. This was the perfect opportunity and i couldn't blow it. After we finished our first two songs BananaMontana and Scissorhands (of course requested by Ghost because of his costume tonight) I decided to make my move.

I knew Chris wouldn't be too happy about this part, but I stole the microphone right out of his hands and spoke into it nervously at first, my eyes still blinded by the blaring lights illuminating the stage. The crowd went dead silent for once as i spoke reluctantly. It was so quiet that i thought i could hear a pin drop. At least they were listening to me. "Excuse me..." I began.

It's now or never.

"I have a very important question for a specific person." I managed to raise my voice enough for people to actually hear and understand me. I cautiously walked over to Ricky and pulled him to center stage with me. Chris was beside me, backing up slightly with a look of confusion on his face and then it hit him like a brick. He finally figured it out.

Ricky glanced at me as he followed me to the exact middle of the stage, still trying to figure out what i was doing because i had gone off script and off the plans for the evening. I had to do it now. No backing out this time.

I got down on one knee, holding Ricky's hand in my right hand as i pulled the black satin box out of my pocket with my left hand. Opening the box to reveal a sparkly black and purple ring, i asked him the one thing on my mind, "Will you marry me?"

I swear the crowd gasped all at the same time but still remained quiet to hear Ricky's response. He took a long moment to think a blush creeping onto his reddening face. What if he says No?

"Of course."


SEQUEL TO BE ANNOUNCED!!!! I cant believe this is the end of the story already. I hope you liked it and i'll post the sequel info soon!

I will hunt you down if you don't read the sequel lol jk but seriously.


When Love Met Destruction (Sitkolson)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon