Mom and Dad.

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(A/N: yeah so there's been a lot of cute and fluffy parts in this story so its time for Ricky to man up and face some intense situations with Ryan lol [mmff Rickys selfie though]... ENJOY!!)

Music: My Understandings (by Of Mice & Men)

            Generation:Hate (by Memphis May Fire) 

*Ricky's POV*

        I didn't think i heard Ryan clearly at first. He must have thought i had fallen asleep but i was definitely wide awake now. My mind was racing and going wild as i thought of those three little words that mean so much to me, but could have meant nothing to me. But then why would he have said it? Maybe i was hearing things?

        Ryan loved me, and how did i feel? I could have sworn i felt the same way, but how could i decide what i felt, when i couldn't even decide if i was gay or not! I must have laid there for hours before my eyes gave into the immense weight they felt, and finally shut for good this time. I probably only got an hour of sleep before i was woken up again to be told that were at our next venue. Great, another concert to distract me. And i didn't mean that in a sarcastic way, concerts were the only thing that could keep my mind off of all these things. And this time i wouldn't have to worry what the guys were plotting as a stunt, because that was all over and done that. 

        My eyes snapped open to a bright as slight beaming directly in my eye. I searched frantically around, trying to comprehend where i was, until i realized i was still in Ryan's bed. Except, he wasn't there with me. My stomach growled and i realized that it felt like i hadn't eaten in a billion years. Of course, i did eat yesterday. I still don't understand how I'm so small when i eat constantly. "Holy shit!" Chris commented at my garbling stomach. It really did sound like a monster. "Eat something for shit's sake, before your stomach decides to eat me!" I groaned and scooted out of Ryan's bed to make my way to the kitchen. My nose was assaulted by the sweet aroma of pancakes and syrup. I peeked into the kitchen to see Ryan at the stove with a spatula in his hand. Not to mention that he wasn't wearing a shirt! Some dirty thoughts popped into my head but were quickly pushed away when i saw the pancakes piled on the plate.

        "And he cooks!" I chuckled, praising Ryan's amazing cooking skills. "That's it, we should just get married now." I joked while i stole a pancake of the plate, earning a sigh from Ryan.

        "You couldn't wait until i finished them all?" He didn't look away from the stove as he waited for the last pancake to finish sizzling against the pan. 

        "No! i could have died of hunger!" I stated over dramatically before dropping myself onto the couch next to Chris, chuckling then shoving the pancake in my mouth.

        "You're an animal." He shook his head then set the plate of pancakes on the table for the rest of the guys to snatch. 

        "I'll show you how much of an animal i am later." I winked, Ryan's cheeks turning a bright shade of red at the comment. 

        "EWWW. Let's keep the sexual talk to a minimum, it's still awkward, no matter who you are." Chris gagged. 

        "When's the concert any ways?" I changed the subject while finishing the pancake that was in my hand, reaching for another one.

        "Later tonight." Chris answered returning to whatever he was doing on his phone. Hmm, what does the infamous Chris Motionless do on his phone? Before he could react, or even see me move,  stole Chris' phone straight out of his hand. His jaw dropped, eyes going wide as I gazed over his screen.

        "OH MY GOD, ARE YOU READING SMUTTY FANFICTIONS ABOUT YOURSELF?" I threw his phone back at him in disgust but utter laughter. Every ones eyes shot up as Chris's face turned bright red in contrast to his usual pale features. 

        "No!" He objected even though i saw the contents on his phone. We all burst into laughter. "Yeah whatever." he pouted, locking his phone and stuffing it in his pocket, crossing his arms over his chest ad sinking back into the couch. After we all finished laughing and teasing Chris, we all fell silent. All the pancakes had disappeared from the plate and Ryan joined me on the couch, placing his hand suggestively on my thigh. Every once in a while id catch him glancing at a certain spot on my pants (or rather, in my pants) and then inch his hand further up my thigh. Every centimeter his teasing hand got closer to my crotch, the harder my heart pounded. "Oh and, Ryan, your parents are coming in about a half an hour..." Chris interrupted.

        Suddenly, Ryan's hand froze and i noticed that his face was as pale as a ghost. He didnt want to see his parents? 

        "Why?" He sat up and distanced himself from us all.

        "I don't know... they called this morning and they didn't exactly sound too happpy." Chris shrugged.

        "Umm... did they say why?" He shifted nervously.

        "Something about the last concert and some video, i don't know, they didn't really say anything else." Chris explained. Ryan nervously raked his hand through his long hair, pulling at the end. He paced back and forth anxiously and i could see his breathing rate increase. He was going to have another panic attack if he kept hyperventilating like that. I sat him down next to me and wrapped my arm around his shoulders, pulling him to me in an attempt to comfort him. But, he was still reeling and breathing rapidly like he had just ran a hundred miles.

        "Just breathe, Ryan. I'm sure everything is fine." I tried to calm him down but he just looked at me like i lost my mind.

        "You don't understand, do you?" He shook his head wildly, his eyes wide like a deer's. "They saw what happened at the last concert! That means they know. They know about us, They're going to disown me, i'll have no family!" yup, he was definitely having a panic attack this time. What happened at the last concert that he was so worried about? Oh, the kiss. But why would his parents be mad at him for that? Maybe they just wouldn't accept that their son might actually be gay.

        "C'mon follow me." I told him. Ryan watched my steady breathing pace and tried to mimic me, eventually slowing his breathing down a little, but it was still faster than normal. "Calm down, everything will be fine, i promise. And if they 'disown' you, you'll still have us." I promised.


Updating this story reaally quickly lol so keep reading and commenting your response to parts of this chapter. I love seeing your reactions! lol 


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