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Izuku's POV

Hey, the names Izuku Midoriya. I'm in a world, that people get powers known as quirks. But here's a catch, there is a population: 20% quirkless and 80% quirkFUL. I, unfortunately was one of the 20% of the quirkless population. Let's start from the beginning, shall we?

Flash back

4 Year old Izuku:MOM!

I was just 4 years old, extremely excited that I was getting my quirk. I wanted to be a hero ever since I was a kid


Inko:Okay Izuku *yawn* just relax let's get ready before we leave.

As we got ready, I couldn't stop thinking what my quirk is gonna be. I pretty much had a smile on my face when we got outside, walked to the hospital, and in the waiting room. Until...

Nurse:Midoriyas? The doctor is going to see you now.

Doctor:Sorry, kid, your quirkless...

Ever since then my life's been downhill.

Bakugo:So...your quirkless Izuku? Ha! What a loser!

Soon, it spread like a wildfire that I was quirkless.

Bakugo:Give up on being a hero, stupid deku!

I was bullied.

Treated like dirt.

For the past 9 years.

Flash back end

As I was in class-day dreaming about my work out routine next week, the teacher got my attention when he said something about hero's.

Teacher:As you guys know, school is now coming to a end as high school is around the corner. But! I know you guys wanna be hero's!

Everyone started using their quirks, except for me, from being quirkless, and bakugo. I was going to put my head down, until...

Bakugo:If you actually think you losers are going to be hero's with those shitty quirks then keep dreaming.

Teacher:Ahh, Bakugo! I see you want to go to U.A high?

Bakugo:Of course I wanna go to U.A as I have a awesome quirk, the hero's at that school is going to recognize me, and wants me to go to their school. As me, Katsuki Bakugo, will be the most famous and richest hero of all time! And everyone around the world will know my name!!

Izuku:*mumbling* Yeah sure, with your nasty attitude of yours, I don't think that's going to happen...

Authors POV

Class was over for the middle schoolers. Izuku was going to put his notebook in his bag, but Bakugo interrupted him by grabbing his book.

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