Chapter 1

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Chapter 1Papyrus POVIt has been six months since the death of King Asgore III and my brother Sans. Six miserable months. I don't know what to do to stop this pain, it is overwhelming. A lot has changed since the incident. For instance, the former queen Toriel ascended to the throne, I still believe that she is Asgore's shaved clone, but that is not important right now. The new queen has decided, with much controversy circling this, to disband the Royal Guard. I don't know why she would do this, the royal guard has done nothing but good for the underground, it has enforced the law from New Home all the way to Snowdin, it has improved security and many families sleep safe at night because the Royal Guard had put themselves on the line in the name of the king. Perhaps, this is why she did it, she hates Asgore, for he killed the 6 humans, and wants to make sure that this does not happen again. Maybe we will never know. About 4 months ago, I had discovered Undyne on my doorstep, crying, and exhausted. She had lost everything since the human left the underground, Alphys, Asgore, her home, her title, her dignity and her pride. She was a shadow of her former self. I could not decline her in this state, I agreed to let her "crash", as she puts it, at my house until she can find a job and find herself a new home. But, from what I see she has not kept her end of the deal, all she does is stay home, watch TV, and occasionally break my stuff. She has become cold and vicious, her former compassion gone, and replaced with undying pessimism. She has never been the same since Alphys's suicide. Meanwhile, I spend most of my time in my room, drawing, listening to music, watching movies, and generally being lazy like Sans. I have a work from home job, which luckily pays really well, I have to program, design and create devices for a company known as B.K.O.Which stands for Blitz Krieg Operation. They are like the Royal Guard but much more advanced, they use a lot of technology like plasma guns, bio force Weapons, and Gauss cannons, they are a private company and they hired me to design weapons and devices for them. Toriel has tried to shut us down, but she had no legal touch over us, as we have done nothing wrong. Once Undyne leaves, I will stop working at home and go and work full time, as I do not trust her to stay in my house, alone, and grumpy. I miss my brother, he would know what to do in these situations. I wish and dad were still here, I miss you both, Sans and G-Oh hold on, Undyne is coming.She quietly entered the room, she looked drowsy, and her pupils were wide, I looked down to see what she was holding in her hands. She had her spear and-, shit, she found my whiskey bottle, and she almost emptied it, How much has she been drinking?"Papyrus...", she slurred, "You know I blame you for what happened right?", she said.Oh,One thing I forgot to mention, is that she seems to blame me for not being able to kill the human, she says that it is my fault she is in this situation, and I owe her. To me, this sounds like bullshit, but, as I said before, I cannot turn my back to Undyne in her time of need. "I honestly wish it was you, rather than. Alphys and Asgore, why did they both have to die? When you and your brother could have, the world would have been a better place, y'know?", she kept on ramblingThis is the 13th time she has done this, the first time she has done something like this, I cried for the next few days, today seems to be a relatively good day for her, as she has not attacked me, or generally called me useless. Now I have just gotten numb to it, Undyne is no longer my friend, just my roommate, I am gonna be glad when she leaves. I don't wanna see her ever again.
"Ok, Undyne, now please, drop the weapon and put down the alcohol bottle ON the table, there is no need for violence", I said, "Also, you stink like hell, you should take a shower or at least throw some deodorant on", "Papyrus, how many times have I told you, I don't care for what you have to say, I will do whatever I want, whenever I want, however I want, wherever I want", Undyne slurred some moreI resisted the urge to slap her, she was in my house, acting up, and when I KINDLY request something of her, she acts like an entitled bitch, if Alphys did not kill herself, I would think she wished she did because I cannot deal with Undyne's shit, it is infuriating.I turned on my Xbox and TV, inserted the DOOM: Eternal disk, and started playing, man, I need to relax, yesterday I have just finished the design for a new weapon, called The Bio Force Gun 9000, or BFG, for short, that name is only going to be used in meetings and presentations, but in the blue prints, I named it BIG FUCKING GUN, like it is. My boss emailed me today, thanking me for progress with weapon designs, and he very not subtly, foreshadowed a promotion. My day was awesome right? What could ruin it? Well, as you just have seen, cranky Undyne.God, how did I end up in this situation?

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