Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Papyrus POV

Ah, another Saturday, I had made my coffee and breakfast, Undyne still had not gotten of the couch, god, how was she still asleep, it was 9AM!!!, pre human she was usually up by 5!!! And she has lost most of her muscles, has not trained in months. She started to stir, I left her breakfast on the table, and took my coffee upstairs, I put my headphones in and looked at my cassettes, what should I play today? Hmmmm, how about The Silver Scream, it's lengthy enough and will get me through this morning, I need some rough music for my soul right now. Suddenly Undyne barged into my room, oh fuck not again, what the hell does she want? Can't she leave me the FUCK alone??? I pulled my headphones off and paused the cassette. I could barely move my arms, as yesterday I had gotten so angry that I wanted to kill someone, so I cut myself, and my arms were hurting like hell. Holding my coffee was very difficult.

"Do you need anything? Knock next time", I coldly said

She just looked at me, with a look of pure, burning hatred, I have no clue what has gotten into her,

"Are you just gonna stand there or?-", she punched me in the face so hard I hit the wall, she was not as strong as she was before but she could still throw one hell of a punch. She grabbed me by my orange hoodie, I could hear a rip, this was a gift from Sans, and Undyne had ripped it, rage started to boil in me, but I put on a look of fear, If I cooperate, she will leave me the hell alone.

"II hate you", she spoke in a voice of hatred, masked with coldness." you spared the life of one human, and by doing that, you have killed tens, maybe not hundreds, why I have not killed you yet, I don't know, but I think I should do it, nobody will mourn you Papyrus, absolutely no one, do you have any last words?", I kept my scared look, and did not speak.

"Pathetic, too scared to even speak!, how you would have gotten in the royal guard is a wonder to me, much less how you would have survived", she continued, ouch, "I hate you, so much." Tears started to come down her face, "Why did it have to be Asgore and Alphys, you could have stopped it, yet you didn't",

I dropped the facade, and gave her a look of genuine surprise,

"Oh, Undyne come here", I opened up for a hug

Undyne yanked me up, she through me out of my own room, she then delivered me a kick, which pushed me down the stairs, before I could recover, she grabbed me by my neck and dragged me outside and threw me into the blizzard. I began to cry, this was enough, why was she doing this? Could she not be a good friend for once?

"I want to kill you, I just wish you were dead, why could they lived instead of you?", she continued sobbing

I sighed,

"Well, I don't know how to answer your second question, but, for the first one, please, why don't you kill me? I have lost everything, my brother, my life, and now apparently my best friend, so, why don't you just end my misery?", tears ran down my face like rain, but my gaze remained stone cold, I gave her a warm smile, and spread my arms.

My hoodie sleeves were too wide, and they exposed my hidden wrists, deep cuts appeared on my fore arms, Undyne's eyes widened.

"Undyne, you have drained the living soul out of me, you have turned me into this mess, and I am a disgrace, I have nothing left, so, why don't you just end it?

Undyne's spear dropped to the ground, she put her hands over her face.

"Kill me", I whispered,

Her eyes widened

My eyes sparked orange, as Undyne's soul became blue. She looked at me in shock, but before she could react, I calmly moved my hand two the right, and she flew into a tree, bones started to sprout, threatening to impale her, at this point I don't care about her safety, she has done too much, and I have been bottling this up for too long.

"KILL ME!", I screamed with all my might

Undyne threw spears back and I dodged them all, she realised what she was up against, and her eyes hardened. I summoned blasters, and shot at her, all the practice Sans made me do was finally coming to something, I decided to turn her soul orange, and summon a gaster blaster circle, I want her to suffer, to feel pain, she has caused me too much, I know she has also lost 2 of her loved ones, but I can't deal with her anymore, it is me or her. I got distracted, and 3 spears impaled me.

"IS THAT ALL YOU GOT BITCH?", I screamed, I aimed a blaster at her and fired with all my power, while summoning sharp bones to throw at her. I took one of the bones from the air, before they could be fired, I teleported behind her and stabbed her back. I painfully tore out the 3 spears from my body, and I sent them flying back to their owner, all missed, except one which grazed her cheek. While she was surprised because of the facial damage, I shot her with a gaster blaster, she screamed as she fell on her knees, visible tears running down on her face, I gave a crazy smile and shone my eyes orange as much as possible, I then let out a maniacal laugh as I stopped the blaster, my energy had completely depleted with that final shot. I went over to her, tears were running down that scared looking face, as she backed away from me when I approached her. I looked away for a moment.

"Y'know, you are right, it should have been me, instead of them, every single fucking day, Undyne, I pray this is just one horrid dream, I wish it could have been me instead of them, so I could wake up, I guess it is time to end it, permanently", I tore her spear from her hands, she gave me a mixed look of confusion, worry, and fear. She raised her hands up defensively, but when the blow never came, she looked at me, with fear-filled teary eyes,

"W-What do you mean b-by that? Papyrus, w-what are you doing?", she stuttered as I aimed her spear at my chest

"Isn't it obvious? Its never been so clear until now, the answer lies in my death", she gave me a look of realisation

"PAPYRUS NO-", she got up and before she could do anything, I drove the spear into my chest, and pushed it all the way through, I gave her a kind smile, as I fell to my knees, and the world blacked out.

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