Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Papyrus, lays dying right in front of me, proud of his self-righteous suicide. Part of me wants to get him some aid, but the other part wants me to just watch him dust, I have been really horrible to him. I have hurt him in his own home, treated him like shit, and drove him to a point of suicide, what have I done to him? Papyrus only did what he thought was right, and followed MY orders, and I am punishing him for it, I told him capture, not kill, and the human escaped, I should have stopped them, but I failed, and I have been taking it out on poor Papyrus and his belongings, I even tore Sans's last gift for Papyrus, and threatened to kick him out of his own house, I need two stop with the alcohol, he deserves an apology, but sorry is not enough to forgive my sins. I shook myself and got up, I picked him up, by god he is heavy, at this point I took of his hoodie, as it was mostly tatters, and it was very slippery because it was wet and I could not grab Papyrus properly. As I took it off, I admired his muscles, had he been working out? His bones were bigger and more muscular than ever, I felt a sensation between my legs, for fuck's sake this is not a time to be horny. I continued running to Grillby. Papyrus's magic is also really strong, he would have killed me if he wanted to, as he was able to beat the second most powerful monster in the underground with relative ease. There is a lot I don't know about this skeleton, and this innocent facade he is putting on no longer fools me. I reached Grillby's, he looked at me in surprise, without question he took Papyrus in and put him on the nearest empty table, he began to operate on him, to try and fix his wounds. By the time he was done it was already 8PM, me and Grillby both sat down in complete silence, he gave me some food to eat, and played chess with me to pass time until Pap woke up, he was a really cool guy. Around half an hour later, Papyrus woke up,

He got out of Grillby's room, and, without a word left, Grillby, pointed at the door, urging me to follow him. Papyrus walked faster when he realised I was behind him, he walked with a limp, as one of the spears I threw at him pierced his femur, He opened the door, for the both of us.

"Papyrus, I am so sorry-", I started but he interrupted me,

"Shhh, Undyne, I understand you, you lost control after the death of your loved ones, I would have most likely done the same, I am sorry for what I have done to you, I hope you can forgive me', he said with tears running down his face,

"Oh Papyrus, ", I broke down, I ran to him and hugged him, we both stood there sobbing, finally, I let go and looked into his eyes, so full of pain, suddenly, my feelings overtook me, I suddenly kissed him, he pulled away, in surprise, but was fast in returning it. I clamped my legs around him as the make-out session intensified, He took us both to his room, and closed the door.


2 hours later:

He looked at me,

"So...", he carefully asked, "Does this make us a thing?",

I gave him a radiant smile,

"I don't know, do you want us to be a thing?", I teased him

He blushed, and responded

"Yeah, I guess", he nuzzled my nose.

"Mmmmm", I moaned and closed my eyes. I started the day bad, and I ended it well, but now I just want to sleep

"Undyne,", Papyrus said, "One last thing, can we make a pact? To never hurt each other again?",

Without opening my eyes, I responded.

"Yeah, of course, believe me I am stone-cold serious about holding this pact"

"Good", he responded, and hugged tighter

"I am glad to see that you are old Undyne again, new Undyne could get really annoying",

I opened my eyes,


We ended up sleeping in the same bed, naked, not that I minded, I needed someone to hold me while I slept. . I dreamt about figure, he looked like a spirit, he had the genie tail, which was neon blue, his upper half consisted of a blue hoodie with a grey hood, he had a crazy smile on his face and had completely neon blue eyes, with no pupils, no, iris, just blue sockets, I could barely see it, it laughed maniacally, and oddly reminded me of Sans.

Alphys POV

I have been hiding for too long underground, I have faked my suicide to avoid arrest, as I was one of Asgore's advisors, Toriel has cooled down, so I think I can come back. I've had my share of mistakes and I am ready to atone for them, I have hidden the amalgamates somewhere where no one will ever see them again, I can be back. The day before the human appeared, I had friend zoned Sans, hoping that Undyne would go for me, but I think she has moved on with her life, I should not bother her, meanwhile, I think I should try with Sans, he shares much more common interests with me, and I feel comfortable around him. I climbed out of the pothole, and a newspaper hit my face, huh, what's this?

Statue built in honour of a hero, it has officially been 1 year since the death of him, and the 7th human

She read the title, oh, someone died, I wonder who it could be?

She looked at the picture, and it was a statue of Sans, smiling with a lazy expression on his face. No, Sans could not be dead, he could not. Tears came to my eyes and I collapsed on his knees, he had died a hero, he proved himself as one of monster kind's saviours, right after she rejected him, she wondered if she said yes, maybe she could have held him back from being heroic like this. Another mistake, Alphys, well done.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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