Chapter 1.5

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Chapter 1.5Toriel POVBeing the sole queen is difficult, when Asgore was around the duties were split and there was a balanced shift between us, now it is just exhausting, work. Exhausting and never-ending. I miss Asgore, but I also hope he ends up in hell. Ever since my decision to disband the Royal Guard, I have lost my popularity with the people. I don't understand why? I removed the human slayers from power, what is wrong? I can't understand. Meanwhile a new private company has risen out of the ashes of the Royal Guard, B.K.O., I think they were called, a lot of the previous employees of my husband have been hired in that place. From what my spies tell me, the son of that one person, (I always forget his name?), designs weapons for them. He also lives with the disgruntled ex-royal guard captain, who is as violent and bloodthirsty as ever. I don't understand how the skeleton puts up with her? I mean she showed up one night drunk, and assaulted 3 of my guards to try and talk to me, and when I gave her my ear, she spat nothing but curses at me. I don't understand what her problem is. I miss the short skeleton, he used to tell me a lot of puns, and helped close the wound of loneliness for a while. But he is gone now, and I have to move on. I am in power, once again, this time, lonely, childless, and with a lot of enemies, I have lost everything for this throne, and I intend to keep it at all costs.

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