Bruised 2

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Louis just walked into the apartment and he could tell instantly that something was amiss. It was way to quiet and he wondered where Casey was. He knew from the sound of Casey's voice that the other boy was very angry with him. Louis cautiously walked around the apartment trying to figure out where Casey was. He felt like he was walking on eggshells...actually scratch that it always felt like he was walking on eggshells when he came home.

Taking a deep breath he peeked his head into the kitchen and a slight gasp escaped his mouth when he saw Casey. His black hair a bit ruffled and his eyes was staring down at cup, that was steaming with tea. Louis slowly walked into the kitchen his eyes fixed on the ground, he stopped when he reached the island.

"I'm getting really tired of your attitude Tommo." Casey said quietly still looking thoughtfully at his cup.

This sparked some annoyance inside of Louis. What attitude? He was so tired of Casey's bullshit, he was tired of being pushed around by him. Louis opened his mouth to argue but screamed in pain when something scalding hot touched his arm. He didn't have time to say anything else because he was pinned to the counter.

"How many times have I told you to stop hanging out with that prick?" Casey hissed in Louis' ear.

Louis was to much in pain to even answer, his arm was on fire from that the hot tea. Casey grabbed said arm and twisted it behind his back, making him cry even more.

"Answer me!" he yelled."

Louis shook his head back and forth, "I...I'm sorry...I just haven't seen him an-"That's not the fucking point." Casey yelled. Casey grabbed Louis by the neck and slammed him into the wall. Louis started to spout 'I'm sorry' while Casey's hand gripped tighter around Louis' neck, making it hard for the boy to breath.

"If you ever go near him again, will kill him with my bare get me?" Casey growls.

Hearing this Louis' eyes went wide with horror, he couldn't let Harry get hurt because he wanted act out of place. He clawed at the hand on his throat so that he could plead not to touch the curly haired boy. Casey finally let go out Louis' neck and watched with satisfaction as the boy slid to the ground holding his left arm to his chest.

"D...Don't hurt him please I...I'll stay I p...promise just don't hurt him." Louis cried as he looked up at Casey with tear filled eyes.

"Tch look at you crying like a pathetic bitch...sometimes I wonder why I even put up with you." he says, casting one more look at Louis, Casey leaves the kitchen and was out the door of the apartment in seconds.

Once he heard the door slam shut Louis let himself completely break down. He sat there for hours trying to figure out what made him want to go out Casey in the first place. Maybe it was when he was trying get his obsession with Harry out of the way. He wanted to take his mind of the curly haired boy; he knew that he couldn't have him because Harry wasn't gay. Louis needed to push that love and affection for his best friend to the back of his mind. So to do that he finally ventured out and started to date people.

He and Casey met up during a tutoring session. He was teaching another student on math while Louis was in there catching up on some homework he forgot to do. He was stuck on this one problem and Casey just so happen to see and walked over to help.

It was pretty much love at first sight and they hit it off pretty well. It wasn't until a weeks later that things started to go bad. People started to say things...bad and offensive things about them. Louis just brushed it off like it was nothing, he wasn't going to let anyone come in between him and his love. However Casey didn't feel the same, for reasons unknown Casey felt the need to deny anything that had to do with him and Louis being in a relationships.

He started to become more distant and the more far he became the more Louis tried to help. It was one day when Casey hit Louis for the first time. It was a really bad day for both of them; Louis had got cornered on his way to Casey's car and got a beaten pretty bad. His face sported bruises and his stomach wasn't in a good condition either. Casey had asked what was wrong and Louis went on about how those idiot didn't take a liking to him dating the star soccer player.

Casey agreed with them, he'd been telling Louis to cool it down with the PDA but Louis didn't want to. People should just stay out there business and let them be. But Casey didn't see it that way, he didn't want people to know at all. Louis ended up getting mad and started yelling; he wanted to know why all of sudden he didn't want people to know? Was he ashamed of them? Was he even out the closet? Which was good questioned because anytime when they went out, it was never somewhere to public where the college kids would hang out.

Louis shuddered at the memory, Casey had gotten so mad that he backhanded him right across the face. It hurt. Would made it hurt worse was that Casey never said sorry, didn't even help him off the ground. Louis would never forget that day, he cried so much that night. He ended up on Harry doorstep and cried into his arms until he fell asleep. That next morning he had to make up some lie as to why he had bruises all over his body. Thankfully Harry bought it and consoled him, telling him that that there was nothing wrong with being different.

This memory made him cry more, he didn't stop until he heard his phone ring. He dug in his pocket to take out his phone and answered it. Taking a deep breath he wiped his face and shakingly stood up.

"Um...h...hello?" he answered.

"Louis? What's wrong?" Liam's voice flittered through the phone.

"N...Nothing's wrong Liam I'm fine." he stated as he walked to his room.

"Louis." Liam commanded.

Louis sighed before sitting on his bed. Liam was probably the only person besides Harry that could tell that something was wrong. A few tears started to slip past his eyes and he rubbed them away furiously.

"L...Liam." Louis started, tears now steadily flowing down his face.

Bruised:Larry Stylinson: AUWhere stories live. Discover now