Bruised 7

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Louis was just turning the corning to campus when it started to pour. He stopped and looked at the sky in disbelief like he couldn't believe that it was actually raining right now. He sighed before clutching onto his bag tighter and stalked towards the entrance. Once inside he suddenly remembered that he told the boys to meet him in the music room to go over some more lyrics. Sighing again he went to his locker first to get some books and then headed to the stairwell.

He was bit shocked when he opened the door to see Casey up against the lockers. Harry had the front of the boys shirt all balled up into his fist. Louis could tell that Harry was seriously angry because his face was pinched in rage.

"Where the hell is Louis?" He heard Harry yell. Louis could hear Zayn from down the hallway, telling Harry that he needed to calm down. Then Harry said something about Casey not telling him where he was. Some others things were said before Louis saw Harry lunge forward at Casey spouting a lot words.

"Harry." Louis called urgently, he really didn't want the curly haired boy to get hurt on his account. He saw Liam out the corner of his eyes and mouthed the word 'later' in his direction. Harry however still looked mad as hell. "Don't blame him Harry I decided to walk to today....didn't know that it'd start raining." Louis lied. His heart skipped a beat when he saw the softened look Harry gave him; his heart nearly stopped when the boy walked over and gave him a huge hug.

Blushing a bit, "Do you by any chance have extra clothes?" Louis asked sheepishly. Harry smiled and grabbed Louis' hand, "Yep it's in my locker." he stated.

Louis couldn't help the small smile that formed on his face but it quickly vanished when he saw the look on Casey's face. He adverted his gaze to Harry's arm....which lead to his hand....which was holding his. Louis was pretty sure he could die in peace now.

It only took a couple of minutes to get to the locker room and change into Harry's clothes. He wasn't very surprised that Harry had extra stuff, he always told people you never know when you might need them. So now Louis stood with Harry's black jeans, a bit to big red polo shirt and his comfy navy blue hoodie. Louis stepped out of the stall and wearily stared up at Harry, who was completely gaping at him.

"W...What?" Louis blushed. Harry smirked a bit, "You look damned good in my clothes." he muttered as he stepped closer to Louis. Louis felt his heart beat a little faster as he watch Harry close in on him, there faces inches apart. Harry trailed a finger down Louis' red cheek, his green eyes coming up to meet with blue ones. Louis' mind was going fizzy and all he could think about was Harry's red lips. He leaned in forward just a bit and he could smell the mint from Harry's toothpaste.

They were so close but then--"Louisss answer your phonnneeee comme on you gooott a texxxtt"

Louis' phone rang obnoxiously loud, Niall's ring tone blaring throughout the locker room. Louis saw Harry take a step back and he sighed, taking his phone out his bag he read the text.


Better get your arse in class teachs is looking for you.~

Louis rolled his eyes before texting back telling Niall that he'd be there soon. He pocketed his phone and looked back up to Harry whose was staring right at him. Louis cleared his throat suddenly embarrassed by the almost kiss they were about to share. "Um...I guess I'll see yah later yeah?" Louis said softly. He started to make his way out the room when Harry grabbed his wrist to pull him back.

"Louis I-Harry started to say as walked closer to me, a hand caressed Louis' cheek and the boy started to panic. Casey's threats rang in his head and he violently snatched himself from Harry's grip. Louis saw the hurt look that flashed in Harry's green eyes and he instantly felt bad.

Bruised:Larry Stylinson: AUOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara