Bruised 3

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 A/N: I wasn't really expecting much of an reaction to this story but I'm very pleased that people like it so um yah Thank You.

Louis couldn't stop the words that came out of his mouth when Liam called. He told the other boy everything about Casey and what's been going on for the past couple of weeks. He begged and cried for Liam not to tell the other boys especially not to Harry. It's been hours now that Louis has been crying his eyes out when he promised Liam that he would break up Casey soon.

"Promise Louis?" Liam asked

"I.....p,,,promise Liam just don't.....t...tell Harry." he breathed as he wipes his eyes.

He heard Liam sigh before saying a soft goodbye. After Louis got off the phone he took a deep breath before sitting up and walking to the bathroom. He caught his reflection in the mirror and was disgusted; this wasn't the Louis he knew. The bruises that littered his collarbone and shoulder was so prominent. He hated himself for letting some asshole do this to him, he hated the fact that he had no control, He felt the tears built up in his eyes as he looked for something to wrap his arm in, because there was no way in hell was he going to school like that in the morning.

After wrapping his arm up he headed back to the bedroom to go to sleep. He didn't want to be awake when Casey got back because he was sure that he would be drunk and mad as hell. And Louis was in no mood to get hit, punched or kicked at this time of night. As he lay in bed the only thing he could think of was Harry and how he wished that the curly haired boy could be here with him. He imagined those arms around his waist as Louis cuddled into his chest. A small smile formed on his face as his eyes fluttered shut.....his mind on nothing but Harry.


Louis woke up with Casey's arm around his waist tightly. He couldn't help but flinch a bit when the other boy moved. He carefully maneuvered the boys arm off him and he scampered off to the bathroom to get ready for school. After taking a hot shower he took the bandages off his arm to look at the damage done by Casey. He worried his lip at the angry red burn marks on his looked pretty bad lucky for him he had some cream for it. Wrapping his arm up again he quietly walked out of the bathroom and headed to the closet to find something to wear. He had to pick something that would cover everything....everything as in all the bruises he had all over his body. He settled on a red turtleneck and some jeans, he stopped to look around for his red Toms but couldn't find them.

Sighing he walked back out the closet and noticed that Casey was up and staring right at him.

“Morning Louis.” Casey mumbled before getting up and pulling Louis into a hug. Casey nuzzled his neck before he kissed the other boy on lips. “M'sorry about last night....I didn't mean to yell at you.” Casey whispered in his ear. Louis gently pushed the other boy away, he couldn't stand to have Casey anywhere near him right now. He had absolutely no right to say such things to him, not after what he did Louis.

“You say that....but the bruises are still there.” Louis said softly as he stepped around the boy. He walked over to the bed and picked up his book bag; looked under the bed to see if his shoes were there. Sighing when he didn't see them he stood back up and brushed past Casey. “I told you I was sorry.” Casey said as he grabbed the back of Louis' shirt, whipping the boy against the wall. Louis felt that streak of confidence fill him just like yesterday when he yelled at Casey over the phone.

“What, are you going to his me again?” Louis asked. He saw the look of pure rage on the blondes boy face.

“Or do you want to throw more hot tea on me?” he asked. Louis stared at Casey....waiting for the boy to do something.

He laughed a bit, “Tommo don't tempt me to do both....but since I'm in a good mood I won't fuck with you, but do remember what I said about that curly haired twat.” Casey hissed. Louis kept his mouth shut as he watched Casey walk off to the bathroom. He felt the tears gather in his eyes, and he quickly wiped them away, frustrated that Casey had so much control over him. Sniffing he walked out the bedroom and to the living. Sitting right there by the door were his shoes, sighing he walked over at slipped them on his feet. Grabbing his jacket he was out the door before Casey could stop him and ask him if he needed a ride to the campus.

Bruised:Larry Stylinson: AUWhere stories live. Discover now