The Porcupine Battle???

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Kion: Ok everyone knows what their doing right?

Everyone except for Kion: Yes

Kion: Now let's defeat these porcupines

Kion: Now let's defeat these porcupines

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Smun: No!!!!!!!!!!!

Kion: That's the last one

Fuli: Why was it so easy

Mama Binturong: You didn't get rid of me

Kion: Ready Bunga

Bunga: I'm always ready

Fuli, Anga, Beshte, Ono, Kion, Rani: Uh... No


Kion: are you guys ready

Fuli, Anga, Beshte, Ono: Yes

Bunga: I have to do something with Binga

Flashback ends;

Bunga: Ok Maybe not all the time

Kion Roars Bunga into the air so he can fly

Bunga: Hey Mama, member' me 

Mama Binturong: No!!!!!!!!!!!

Bunga Farts

Mama Binturong Coughs

Fuli: Ok  i'm getting sick

Kion: Now every one after all that fighting.......

Fuli: Wasn't really a fight

Kion: Let's all rest

Beshte: Yeah I'm tired

Kion: Let's rest and in the morning the Day Pride will get back to patrol

Bunga: awwwwwwwwwww

Kion: Bunga

Bunga: Okayyyy

Kion and Rani have cubsWhere stories live. Discover now