Pridelands training

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Simba walked up to Pride Rock's platform

Simba: Good Morning Pridelanders we some special guests that came all the way from the Tree of Life

Rafiki: Yes, Yes Simba Please welcome King Kion & Queen Rani, along with Princess Sawa & Prince Raja. Raja will be the future King at the Tree of Life

Simba: Now King Kion my son will say a few words

Kion: Thank you Dad, Pridelanders my childhood friend has become 10x stronger than any of us and has a whole pride of lions, she is planning on a big attack so we need everyone in the pride lands except the children to train and become united again

Simba: After we train we will rest then after a week we will attack

Rafiki: So everyone start training

Pridelander: Okay King Simba

Sawa: Mommy what ith happening

Rani: The ceremony baby

Sawa: Oh ok

Simba: Now everyone let's train 

Vitani: Kion we're here

Kion: Vitani, I have gathered all the children 

Vitani: Ok

Sawa hid behing Kion's leg

Vitani: Hello Sawa I am Auntie Vitani

Sawa: Hewo

Vitani: Your brother and many other friends will come and join us in the lair for a story do you want to come

Sawa: Yeth

Kion: She loves stories

Kion: Oh and Vitani before you guys go call me or Rani if you guys need help

Vitani: Don't worry Kion we can handle it

Vitani: Imara go take the guard and the kids

Imara: You got it let's go guys

Vitani: Kion who is Mrena

Kion: Vitani I already said that she is my childhood friend

Vitani: No I meant what did she do to you that caused your friendship to break

Kion: No-one knows that" Kion said sadly

Vitani: Oh ok" Vitani said walking towards their lair

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