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The call came in early in the morning before Axl Rose went to the studio. A police officer from Indiana called and asked if Axl was willing the care for his siblings after finding out that their parents were abusing them. Of course, Axl said yes. He wasn't going to let his siblings go to a random house with people who could hurt them more. The kids wouldn't be at Axl's house until the next day so he had a whole twenty-four hours to clean up the house and convince the cops that his house was suitable for his little siblings.

"Amy and Stuart?" Izzy asked as he turned his guitar once Axl got to the studio. "No, Izzy, the other ones! Of course, it's Amy and Stuart!" Axl said as he ran his hand through his red hair nervous about bringing his siblings into his home. He hasn't been back to see them since Stuart was eight and Amy was six. He had called them but the calls were rare and short. Neither of them talked much about interests, happiness, or pain. Just how their day went that they could talk and laugh over as if everything were okay. They didn't even seem like siblings, just old buddies catching up on each other.

"Hey, Ax, don't worry! You'll do great! Besides, these are your siblings we're talking about!" Slash said. "You'll see that nothing ever changed." "But it did! They aren't children anymore they're teenagers!" Axl said. "I don't know how they act! They could get hurt here in LA!" "My guess is not much different than you!" Izzy said. "They've been abused the same way you have, they're going to act out! Maybe in a different way, but they're still going to act out. You just need to sit down and talk to them when they get here. Put some rules up." "I don't know, Izzy, I don't think I can discipline," Axl said sitting beside Duff on the couch. "You can, Axl when you see them in trouble of being hurt, you'll know what to do. It comes naturally with the love you hold for them," Izzy said. "When did you get so wise?" Duff asked. "It comes naturally with the love I hold for y'all," Izzy said with a smile.



"There they are!" Slash said peeking out the window as a police car pulled into the driveway of Hell House. Axl sighed nervously as he walked to the door as the cops began to knock loudly. He put on a fake smile as he swung the door open to see his two little siblings. 

Amy looked almost the same as when she was six, she still had a cute baby face and luscious, silky brown hair with a yellow bow tied on the back. She wore a yellow sundress and her eyes were a soft honey-brown color and they sparkled as she looked up at her older brother. Dropping her bags Amy leaped into Axl's arms holding him tightly. "I missed you, Will," she said nuzzling into Axl's chest taking in the scent of cigarettes and mints. "I missed you too, Amy," said the voice that used to sing the little girl to sleep every night.

Stuart, however, changed quite a bit. He wasn't so willing to walk into the house to see his brother. His freckles had faded, but some remained on his naturally rosy cheeks. His blue eyes were dull and his black hair had been spiked. He wore baggy jeans and a hand-me-down black Queen shirt that Axl left at home along with dirty combat boots. 

This kid is going to adapt to LA real well, Axl thought. 

"Thank you so much!" Axl told the police as they walked down the steps. Axl moved out of the way for Stuart to come. "Don't you wanna come in, Stuart?" Axl asked politely while Amy hid behind her older brother staring at Slash and Duff who smiled politely at her. "Amy, Stuart, these are my bandmates, Slash and Duff," Axl introduced.

Amy frowned and pushed herself closer to her older brother looking up at him with pleading eyes. Axl knew those eyes all too well, Amy was afraid of adult men. Axl had been the same way before, he had given Izzy those same eyes many times in the past. 

"Don't worry, Amy, these are my friends. They aren't going to hurt you. They saved me," Axl said with a smile. That was all Amy needed as she stepped out from behind Axl looking up at the two men smiling down at her. "Hi! I'm Amy Bailey!" the little girl said. "That is a very beautiful name," Duff said politely. "Thank you, I don't get that a lot!" Amy said. "I don't see why, you are a very pretty young girl!" Slash said. Amy giggled. "I don't get that a lot either, except a compliment from Will from time to time and some creepy men my dad has over, but I'm okay with you calling me pretty because you saved Will, and anyone who saved my big brother is a friend for me. I can't remember the last time I talked like this, it's nice to get off my chest y'know. To have someone to talk to who wants to listen! Will isn't a very good listener," Amy rambled the last part causing Slash and Duff to laugh and Axl to roll his eyes playfully. "Well, we'll listen to whatever you have to say, Amy," Duff said ruffling Amy's hair. "Amy, do you mind if Slash and Duff take you to your room while I take Stuart to his!" Axl asked. "Ummm, okay!" Amy said picking up her bag and allowing Duff and Slash to take her to her room. 

"A bit irresponsible of you to let two strange men take her to her room," Stuart said crossing his arms. "They aren't going to do anything to her, I trust them!" Axl said as he walked to Stuart's room. Stuart joined him. "Hey, I thought you played the guitar," Axl said realizing that there wasn't a guitar case with Stuart. "I did, but Dad destroyed it a week before I left because he was afraid I'd turn out like you and run away," Stuart explained. Axl hummed. "We could get you a new guitar, and if you wanna learn more I'm sure Slash and Izzy would love to teach you," Axl said as he walked into Stuart's room.

Stuart flopped on the bed and looked around the room. There was nothing in there but a TV on top of a dresser and a bed. The walls were plain white and so was the comforter on the bed. 

"It's boring in here," Stuart said. "We'll go to the store tomorrow and get you guys new clothes and stuff for your room," Axl said. "What can I get?" Stuart asked. "Whatever you want," Axl said. "Whatever I want?" Stuart asked with his eyes widening as he sat upon his elbows. "Whatever you want!" Axl said. "And school starts Monday." "What? I'm still going to school?" Stuart asked sitting up. Axl laughed. "I have to be responsible for you, Stu," he said. 

They heard Amy scream from her room and bolted over to her. "Amy?" Stuart asked as they walked in to see Duff and Slash on each side of the little girl tickling her as she screamed and laughed.  "Guys, stop, she's going to piss herself," Axl said. Duff and Slash pulled away and Amy laughed for a little longer before she caught her breath. "I like Duff and Slash," Amy said with a smile. "They're funny."

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