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Stuart woke up the next day with the sun shining harshly in his sensitive eyes. He groaned and slung an arm over his eyes trying to get back to sleep. But fate decided that Stuart needed to be awake today as the sound of knocking on his door reigned throughout his room.

"Stu! Time for breakfast!" Axl called. "Okay!" Stuart called back as he sat up looking over at his clock to see it read 11:30. He gasped and jumped out of bed nearly tripping on the sheets as he ran to his closet. He pulled out a misfits shirt, black jeans, and his converses before running to the bathroom to fix up his hair. He grabbed his skateboard and stuffed some spray paint in a backpack before flying down the stairs.

"Hey, Stuart, breakfast?" Axl asked raising a brow. "I can't I have to meet up with someone!" Stuart said rolling his eyes. "Don't use that attitude with me," Axl said. "Who are you meeting up with and where are you going to be?" "Just a friend I met from the mall, he's my age and we're going to hang out at the skatepark!" Stuart said grabbing the doorknob. "Be back in three hours," Axl said. "Three hours?!" Stuart asked. "Axl! That's not fair!" "I don't wanna hear it, Stuart! You have school tomorrow. And this is LA I wanna be sure you get home before it gets dark!" Axl said. "Okay, fine. Three o'clock, can I go now?" Stuart asked. "Yes," Axl said. "Be careful!"

Stuart ran out the door, threw his skateboard on the ground, and aped his way down the streets. Holding onto cars that pushed him further to his destination. The warm breeze blew his pale face, swift coldness making it clear summer was not to last. 

Stuart arrived at the skatepark and saw Zach mindlessly flirting with some girl. Stuart cursed himself for being so late that Zach decided to get himself a fling. Stuart cleared his throat and Zach looked over at him and smiled. He winked at the girl before skating over to Stuart. 

"Hey, Stuart, didn't think you were going to make it!" Zach said. "Yeah, I know," Stuart said jumping on his skateboard. "I woke up late." "Yeah, I figured. Either that or you didn't think I was good enough to hang out with," Zach said. "No! Why-why would I think that?!" Stuart asked blushing from embarrassment. "I'm only teasing!" Zach said with a laugh. "W-well, I don't like it!" Stuart said. "I'm sorry, I just... I never had a friend before. I guess I don't know how to feel about it." "Aw! It's okay, man!" Zach said patting Stuart's shoulder. "Let's skate!" 

The two skated throughout the entire day, going up ramps, showing each other tricks, and racing. They laughed, joked, and even made another friend. A shy boy who hung around in the corner seemed too nervous to skate. His name was Joseph but they called him Joe for short.

The three became fast friends and were out until it was dark skating, Stuart had completely forgotten about his curfew. He never had one and so he easily forgot. That was until he heard a car honk in the distance and his name being called. Saying goodbye to his friends, Stuart walked over to the car and climbed in to see his pissed-off brother staring him down.

"I told you to be back by three!" Axl said madly. "Do you know what time it is?" "Five?" Stuart asked curling into a ball. "FIVE!" Axl screamed. "Stuart, I was so worried about you! I thought something had happened, please come back when it's your curfew!" "I'm sorry, I never had a curfew before... I just-" "You just forgot you were in LA with me?" Axl asked. "It slipped my mind!" Stuart said. "Next time you can only stay out until two!" Axl said. "That's not fair!" Stuart screamed. "Stop yelling!" Axl said. Stuart leaned against the window watching the world go by. 

The lights of LA flashed brightly in his face as they drove closer to home. People were scattered on the streets shooting up drugs and preying on boys and women who dare to cross their path. Taking away the innocence of children and women, using them until they're nothing, and abandoning them.

"Axl?" Stuart asked looking at his brother. "What is it, Stuart?" Axl asked breathing out a sigh of annoyance. "I'm sorry I worried you... I didn't know," Stuart said. "Saying sorry doesn't make up for the pain and worry I felt when you didn't come home," Axl said. "Look around you! Look at these people! This isn't the place you should stay until dark! I thought you'd  know better than to stay in this foreign place when the sunset." Stuart turned back to the window frowning. "I wish I could go back home," He said. "What?" Axl asked softly. "I want to go back home," Stuart repeated. "I miss mom." "You can't go back, Stuart," Axl said. "Not back to someone who abused you or allowed you to be abused." "She cleaned us up afterward," Stuart said. "She still allowed it to happen!" Axl said as he pulled into the driveway. "Like you did when you left us!?" Stuart asked. "Go to your room and don't fucking come out until I say so!" Axl said. 

Stuart jumped out of the car and slammed the door as he walked into the house and angrily walked up to his room ignoring Axl's bandmates questioning him.

Axl walked into the house and sat on the couch beside Slash who held a sleeping Amy in his arms. The TV played credits to Child's Play, and over on the other couch Steven and Duff were passed out.

"What happened?" Axl asked. "Don't worry, Ax, they didn't get drunk, they just fell asleep!" Slash said. "And so did she!" He motioned to the girl in his arms. "I wish I had a sister, Amy's so sweet. I only have a brother. But I don't see him often, he's about Stuart's age." "Does he have curly black hair that kinda sticks up and tan skin like yours?" Axl asked. "Yeah, why?" Slash asked raising a brow. "I think that's who was with Stuart at the skate park!" Axl said. "He shouldn't be out so late either, mom doesn't like that," Slash said leaning back. "But I guess it's just teens." "Yeah," Axl sighed looking over at Amy who was curled beside Slash sleeping peacefully. "She's taken a liking to you," Axl said. "Yeah, she's still a bit scared of Steven and Duff though," Slash said. "She'll come around. But we outta put her to bed," Axl said rising to his feet and leading Slash into the little girl's room where they laid on her on the bed and brought the blanket up to her chin before they left the room allowing the little girl to continue her dreams.

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