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"How do you do this everyday?!" Stuart asked panting as he struggled to keep up with Molly who was jogging along with three large dogs on leashes by her side. "You get used to it!" Molly said laughing as she slowed down to a stop allowing Stuart to collapse on the ground. The dogs walked over to him and licked his face. "Yuck!" Stuart said sitting up and shoving the undersized bears away from him. Molly giggled and sat on the grass beside the worn out boy. "You'd never last a day on the track team," Molly said. "Thank God I don't wanna be on the damn track team!" Stuart said still catching his breath. "I'm on the track team," Molly said. "You don't say," Stuart replied. Molly smirked. "I have a marathon coming up if you wanna watch! Hey! You could stand in the sidelines and give me water!" Molly said. "Hey, that sounds good!" Stuart said with a smile. "Well, we should probably get back home," Molly said rising to her feet and helping Stuart to his. "Busy day tomorrow!" Stuart tilted his head in confusion. "Tomorrow is the first day of school?" Molly said in a duh voice making Stuart feel like an idiot. "Oh! Oh yeah!" Said the embarrassed teen with a shy smile on his red face. Molly laughed. "You're adorable!" She said as she walked away. "Me?" Stuart whispered under his breath before he walked back home.

Upon entering the house, Stuart saw that no one was inside. The living room lights were off, the blinds closed,  and everything was dark.

"Hello?" Stuart asked walking into empty kitchen to see no one was home. "I walked off towards the bathroom. The light was on signaling that someone was inside. Stuart knocked on the door but no one answered. He knocked louder but still no answer. He attempted to open the door but it was locked.

Stuart had a terrible gut feeling that something was wrong as he screamed from frustration and ran to his room to retrieve his pocket knife. He came back and stuck the small knife into the doorknob and twisted it. The door unlocked with a pop and Stuart bust through only to find that Slash was sitting on the floor with a needle in his arm. Stuart screamed and ran to the guitarist shaking him but he didn't wake up.

"No! Wake up! Wake up!" Stuart said as tears ran down his face. He took Slash's arm and searched for a pulse but couldn't find one. "Fuck! Fuck!" Stuart screamed as he jumped to his feet running to Axl's room where a phone sat on the wall.

"911, what's your emergency?"
"Help! My... My brothers band mate overdosed in heroin!"
"Okay, I need you to stay calm down he have a pulse?"
"I can't find one!"
"Do you know CPR?"
"Stay in call and preform CPR for five minutes. Is there anyone else in the house with you?"
"Okay, what's the address?"
"225 Oak Drive! Hurry!"

Stuart set the phone down and placed his hands on Slash's chest and began to pump them two inches deep. "Come on!'" Stuart said as he struggled for five minutes, and there still wasn't a pulse.

Stuart strangled a son and sat back against the wall. "I'm sorry!" He said. "I'm so sorry!" Stuart hugged his knees and sobbed into them as the voice on the phone called for him to answer before the line went dead.

Loud knocks pounded vigorously on the door, but Stuart was too much in shock to open it. The door burst down the cops and medics flushed into the bathroom. The cops pulled Stuart out for questioning.

"Do you live here?" Asked the cop. "Yes," Stuart said. "How many other people live here?" Asked the cop. "Five, my brother, his two other band mates, and my sister!" Stuart said. "Have anyone ever done drugs near you?" The cop asked. "No, I didn't even know they were on drugs!" Stuart said.

"What's going on?" Axl asked as he ran into the room quickly kneeling by Stuart's side to comfort him. "I'm afraid the boy can't stay here," said the cop. "Why?" Axl asked with tears in his eyes. Another cop walked into the room holding a plastic bag full of deadly drugs. "This is why!" She said. "These have bi place near children!. Is the other one here?" The cop asked. "You aren't taking them away from me!" Axl screamed. The cops shoved him to the ground and cuffed him. "You're under arrest for child endangerment and the possession of deadly drugs," the police said. "NO!" Stuart screamed as he watched the cops pushed Axl out of the house and into the police car.

"STOP!" Stuart said when the cop grabbed his arm and lead him to a police car. "Don't touch me! Let me go! AXL! HELP!"

They shoved Stuart into one car before pulled Amy into another.

Stuart would be sent to a boys Orphan Asylum and Amy would be sent to a girls foster home.

Their lives were changed again and Stuart didn't know if he could handle it.

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