Chapter 3

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Dawns Pov

"They're coming to take me away ha ha! They're coming to take me away ho ho!" I was joking around with William to try and keep my anxiety at bay. My little song was interrupted by a knock at the door. "They're here..." My mother breathed out, her lower lip trembling. I went to envelope her in a tight hug. "Oh Mama, don't cry... Remember I'll always love you." I whispered softly into her mess of graying curls. I gave my father a tight hug as well, kissing his cheek, noticing it was wet with silent tears. He held me tight for a few moments, I gave a brave yet shaky smile to him. Lastly, I hugged my baby brother. "Hey Will... When it's your turn, be sure to make pretty babies and treat your partner like a god." He gave a shaky little laugh, as if the government would actually let him have a male mate.

The knocking sounded again and I gave a heavy sigh, turning I walked to the door, with only my small backpack. I would be provided everything I needed when relocated, all I needed were a few sentimental things. A little teddy that I've had since I was newborn, a small picture album with pictures of my whole family, though I hadn't seen most of them in years, and lastly a small sketch pad that I both drew and wrote in. This was it, open the door and I was off to my new life... I took a deep breath, and opened the door, trying to blink back the tears. I was given a sympathetic smile from one of the two guards that stood there. She was clearly human, the other, a man with black markings around his eyes, was clearly not. He offered no sympathy. I stepped out of the house that held all my fond memories, my home from the moment I was conceived, and out into the big scary world...

It was the same stoop I had been walking over for years, but I was led to the black car at the end of the walkway and told gruffly by the male demon. "Sit, child. Be quiet till we get to your new destination." I watched my town pass by, then fade into nothingness over the horizon, and about an hour after I could no longer see any traces of the place I called home for twenty years I dozed off.

Readers Pov

When the car pulled up to a huge house surrounded by a long stone fence. Dawn was awoken and icy fear ran through her veins. Humans never had houses so extravagant. Her heartbeat picked up so fast she thought it would burst her vital organ. She was led in, then a maid, a human that gave her a bright bubbly smile that helped calm her nerves slightly, led her to a room. There he sat the beautiful man with light brown hair and eyes as green as a summer's day. She kept her face carefully neutral as she took measured steps into the moon, stopping in front of a desk. This room seemed to be a study, or office of sorts. "Sit." His voice was deep, rumbly, and somehow soft. Dawn sat across from Shiro, there was tea and cookies on the desk and he poured a second drink.

Holy shit he's so hot! I'm supposed to breed with him? But He's a Demon, he has to be horrible or a complete asshole.... What could he do to me? What is he planning on doing to me? He probably thinks I'm just some tool, a means to an end... Though her thoughts were whirling, Dawn kept her composure, taking the cup offered to her with a steady hand, evenly sipping from it, meeting the demon's eyes with an almost defiant gaze. Her soft pink lips were in a slight pout, the only thing giving away her displeasure at the situation she was in. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2022 ⏰

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