Chapter 2

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Dawn's Pov

Today was the day... The day I had to leave my family, maybe forever. This morning I had packed the few things that were precious to me and irreplaceable. Then I went to the town hall for the meeting. The Demon running the operation was a sweet lady called Lillith, she was actually kind and treated her Pet as her husband. She started speaking,

"You are the future of our world. It does not matter if you are to be a Breeder or a Pet, you are all equally important. You may not get away from your duty, less you want to be killed. Please be safe and keep true to yourselves through it all, for some of you, your personality will be all you have." She then called the names of five boys and four girls, and they stepped forward.

"You are the Breeders of this group. The men will stay in this town, and the women will have to go to the town where their respective Breeder lives. Go get your things ready to move all of you." The men would move to a new house, and the women would move towns.

I was frozen in shock. I couldn't be a Pet, my family were always Breeders. This must be some cruel joke. I couldn't belong to a Demon. Lillith turned to the rest of us once the others had left. There were three other girls and four boys.

"You are the Pets of this lot. Do not try to escape or kill yourselves, that will only make it worse for you. Do as your demon says, and bear them their children and hopefully you will be let free, such as my Pet, or killed." She says in a sad tone.

I was shaking softly by now, and as Lillith motioned to a door on the opposite several people walked through, each walking to a new pet. I watched as the last man who came in walked up to me, and I flinched as he reached up and cupped my cheek.

Shiro's Pov

I watched through the one sided glass, the beautiful girl that would be mine looked so venerable and nervous. It was so appealing to me, and when she started shaking in fear I frowned a bit. Lillith, the town's assignment demon motioned to the door and the other Demons went to their pets. I walked in after the rest and made my way over to her. Reaching up I cupped her cheek gently, and frowned.

"You may go to your family one last time to say goodbye little thing." I said, watching her tremble, looking Dazed. I wanted to take her home right now with me, but would give her this last little bit of time with her family. And with that simple interaction I left, Making a call to make the arrangements.

A Demon and His Angelحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن