Dear Thomas,

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Newts POV
I still remained in the dark inky blackness of my mind. I couldn't do anything. My body had been stolen from me. Doug appeared again. "So how does it feel"? He sneered. "How does what feel"? I retorted shooting him a glare. "How does it feel to be killing Thomas"? I shook my head. "No, Tommy is strong. He will get through this, he did it last time." Doug smiled. "Yes but there is one important difference from last time." "And what was that"? "Last time I planned for you to wake up, this time I dont". he almost laughed at the last part. A salty tear rolled down my cheek. Doug moved closer, putting his hand on my face. "Don't worry Newt, you won't have to stay here forever. Your mind will die when your body does". I looked into his deep brown eyes. How could they be so hate filled? "It was a tiny glass, I could easily survive this." Doug chuckled. "Yes, maybe if you were in a hospital. But this Newt, this is the glade and all you have are a few teenage boys with no medical schooling. Good luck." He made me so mad I could spit, and I did. I literally spat on his face. "Uhg"! Doug bounced back wiping the spit of his face. "You really shouldn't have done that". Doug leaned close to me and slapped me hard across the face. I winced in pain, "How can you even do that? This is my mind"! I asked, my voice cracking. Doug walked deeper into the blackness. "Or is it"?
Thomas's POV
I rested my head on Newts chest. "Please god, please let me hear his beautiful voice. Please, please, please, I'll do anything." Tears escaped my eyes, wetting Newts dirty shirt. I heard the door open. "Thomas, you promised you'd run with me today. Please". I sat up and turned to face Minho. "I'm so sorry, I-I cant". I could feel the tension in the air. "God damnit, Thomas!" Minho yelled slamming his fist against the wall. "You don't think this sucks for me too?! This is the third time I've ha to see that wonderful boy in a coma!" I lifted my head. "T-third time"? I stuttered. "I told you I know things." I just stared into Minho's sad eyes. "Thomas, I love Newt as much as you do. He is my best friend, I'd die for him." Tears fell from his eyes. "Fine, I'll run." I muttered. Minho patted me roughly on the shoulder. "Atta boy." he smiled. After a long day of running and mapping we finally made it back to the glade. The box rang signalling that new supplies were here. Today I decided to help out with carrying the supplies. I noticed a box labeled Thomas. I didn't write for anything. I ripped open the box and found a note. It read: "Dear Thomas, we apologize for Newt's surcimstances. Unfortunately we can't help him, but you can. Please do exactly as we say and in return we will give you what will save Newt."

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