+{What the actual f-}+

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Hey uh.. this will start as a 3rd person pov mkay? don't like it? to bad. What are you doing start reading -.-

3rd Person POV

A 17 year old girl with a unnatural ability. She is one of Hydras most recent and attended to experiments. She was taken by hydra 2 years ago when she was 15. Her best friend's Peter Parker and Ned Leeds still miss her and have never forgotten her.


-knock knock- 
'what do you need' i responded to the knocks knowing im probably getting sent to kill a so called "hero" again. 'y/n! as lively as ever i see' i just scowl at the man 'shut up and tell me what i have to do so you can go back to your VERY busy day' i hate his stupid face 'fine. i need you to try and kill one of the avengers, any one of them i don't care. I'll be waiting.' i rolled my eyes and got up to put on my deep black hydra made suit. 'okay bye' and i walked out of the cold room and once again look at all the other rooms. I forgot what warmth was for a while. oh well im almost to the final door... they stopped sending their weak lackeys with me everywhere. I got to the last door and walked out to a jet black jeep and hopped in. 

{time skip brought to you by 'i am groot'}

'joseph turn off that idiotic music or you won't have fingers tomorrow' he just looked at me nodded quickly and turned off the radio. I looked out the window and saw the tall buildings of New York City. If i could remember anything about my past life i'd probably feel relieved, happy even. But not having any memories of anything makes it hard to feel emotion anymore, it's odd they told me i was brainwashed straight to my face though. I checked all my holsters and made sure my knives were in place. My backpack was filled with weapons and i hopped out of the vehicle and made my way to the tower with the Avengers symbol on it. I had snatched two katanas from the Hydra Base on my way out even though i was told i couldn't use them. I don't care as long as they have sharp blades i'm all good. But i think they think of me as a replacement of The Winter Soldier. 'ACK'  i fall and hit the ground realizing i was stuck in thought. I look up at the person and its a familiar looking boy with brown hair. Another boy walks up behind him and just starts talking he for some reason pulls out his phone and swipes through it and shows something to the boy i bumped into. The brunette gasps and looks at me, i was already getting up and dusting myself off. The boys look at me, then the phone, then me again. They yell in sync 'Y/N!?' my eyes just widen and i look at the boys. 'i- i don't know who your talking about' the boys show me a picture of someone extremely similar to me.. they have my eye color, hair color, name, but she looks a few years younger than me. 'Is your name Y/N L/N?' the boy standing next to the one on the ground asks me and i just open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. 'hello?' he says. i grab both of them by their arms and pull them into an alleyway. 'how do you know this information' i snap at them getting straight to the point. 'Wait.. don't you remember us? Peter and I?' shock is visible on my face but i can't quite remember the names.. but they are terrifyingly familiar. But then everything goes black and the last thing i hear is 'DAMN IT PETER WE KILLED HER!' and 'SHUT UP NO WE DIDN'T NED!' 

Peters POV

The girl looks shocked, ned keeps asking her questions about whether or not she's Y/N but just when i think he'll stop she closes her eyes and falls over. Ned proceeds to shout 'DAMN IT PETER WE KILLED HER' and so i yell back at him 'SHUT UP NO WE DIDN'T NED' I feel really bad so i call Mr. Bruce cause he's a doctor he'll know what to do. He picks up the phone and asks me 'Yes peter?' i keep my adrenaline down and respond almost instantaneously 'so uh- me and Ned bumped into a girl and she like passed out and is now laying on the ground so can you pick us 3 up?' i heard him sigh over the phone 'Yes i'll be there in a minute, send me the location Peter' I thank him and hang up while sending him the location. I tell ned and he just nods attempting to pick her up. 'Stop, stop, stop i'll do it' i pick her up without even using my spider-strength. She's noticeably light and easy to pick up. I walk to the sidewalk and Bruce pulls up and stops the car. 'Did she hit her head?' i shake my head and he nods helping me place her into the car. He takes a good look at her then gets in the drivers seat, and ned gets in shot gun while i sit close to the girl who could possibly our Y/N and make sure she's breathing. As i have a closer look at her she looks sleep deprived, and pale. 

{time skip brought to you by 'I can't go to germany i got.. homework'}

We made it to Mr. Starks tower and we got Y/N out of bruce's car. I carried her up the stairs and i've noticed something else about her, she is really really cold. But ned talking to Bruce about him being hulk interrupted my thoughts. I place the small girl on the very technically advanced hospital bed and bruce looks at me. 'what?' he sighs 'I am gonna have to do some testing and do a few other things to make sure she is 100% fine then you can question her. She could be working for Hydra for gods sake' i nod and sit down outside with ned and just wait.

{like idk 3 hours later}

Its been like 2 hours since ned left and bruce finally came back out. 'Peter.. do you know that friend of yours' parents?' i look up at him 'I know neds lola-' he interupts 'i mean Y/N' i look up at him and just respond 'i did.. they didn't want her though.. she was left with me and May' he looks down at me glumly 'well i did a DNA test and it's your friend Y/N L/N but it appears she had her memory wiped by hydra, she had tons of weapons stashed, specifically two katanas which had Hydra's logo on them specifically caught my eye, I think you should call Bucky Barnes and Steve Rodgers. I'll talk to Tony about getting her a room here.' i nod thanking him and calling Steve first. 'Hello, Steve Rodgers speaking' that was formal- 'uhm hey this is Peter, Peter Parker uh how do you break the brainwashing mind control thing from Hydra?' . . . he sure is taking a while to respond 'why?' he really takes a while and i didn't want to ask Bucky because it might bring back some +TRAUMA+ but i cant say that so uh.. 'well one of my old friends are under the control of HYDRA so i need-' but i was once again, interrupts 'give me 5 minutes i'll be right there' well that was easy- and he hung up.

{10 minutes later}


 I open my eyes to be greeted my a bright room with actual warmth. My head is pounding and i feel like.. water.. come out of my eyes? This is weird as hell.. wait, my body feels heavy. Did i pas out due to shock? Hold on- MY WEAPONS, HYDRA IS GONNA KILL ME IF I LOS THOSE KATANAS! I attempt to get up but fail to realize my body is strapped down. 'well then, guess i'll die here, goodbye miserable world' i hear footsteps and start to panic 'fuck- no- please i can't let them kill me i only got to do a few missions and i didn't kill anyone! Dr. Schmidt please!' i just start to cry and i pull my non strapped legs to my body I watch the door open as Four people walk in. It turns out to be The boy i bumped in to, a blonde adult man, a brunette adult man, and another brunette adult man but he had what looked like a beard attempt. 'Hello Ms. L/N im Bruce Banner, this is Steve Rodgers, and over here is Bucky Barnes. Aswell as Peter Parker who you would know if you hadn't been brainwashed' i just stare at them and i wipe my face on my knees and sit properly. 'im Y/F/N (Your Fake Name) and i don't know what your talking about.' the four all sigh in sync and a new man walks in. He is very peppy, definitely Tony Stark. 'Don't lie to us we know who you are Y/N M/N L/N, age 17, female, Hydra agent sent to kill any of the avengers. I was informed by one of my personal agents already about you.' i just widen my eyes and try to release myself from the restraints on my wrists. 'release me' i need to get out of here but if i leave Dr. Schmidt is gonna kill me, literally. Then another person enters the room, great. atleast they're a girl. 'Y/N, im Wanda Maximoff. I believe you have powers that you don't know about just yet. I also have powers, im going to use them to go through your memories in order to figure out what they may be, how you could get back your memories or basically anything. okay?' i just stare at her completely terrified. She looks to me and touches my forhead and i calm down instantly. 'Shh, your okay now Y/N, your safe now' I feel my hands heat up and cool down then heat up and cool down again and i open my eyes.


'what the actual f-'

~cliff hanger~ YEAAH I HAD LIKE 1700 WORDS BABY!!  ahem, thats a personal record so i got excited qwq anyway i hope you guys are enjoying this so far and i honestly love writing it! i'll try to update again tommorow or the next day, bye guys!

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