+{ The Elemental Spider }+

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'what the actual f-'  was my first thought when i was told that my entire lifes memories had been just taken from me and i knew or know the the short, brunette boy in the room.

   'Y/N i have managed to make it so you are now able to make your own decisions without being influenced by HYDRA it also means you can unveil your past memories if you spend your time with the right people, mostly because if you gained all your memories back at once your mind would be overwhelmed' i just stare at everyone in the room, i think some people left, more specifically bruce and steve. However Peter, Wanda, Tony, and Bucky stayed. Bucky Barnes huh.. sounds familiar, thats just normal for me now though 'Barnes, i have a question' he just tilted his head waiting for the question 'are you the former winter soldier' his eyes widen and he responds 'sadly, why do you ask?' i look to the ground 'because I hear them outside of my room no jail cell, they say im a replacement for all the failed agents.. more specifically project winter soldier' everyone just stares at me in concern, except Stark. I was going to say something but then the genius, billionare, playboy, philanthropist interupts me 'well kid your gonna become one of those so called failed agents and were gonna get you out of HYDRA's grasp' wanda looks like she remembered something and i am once again cutoff before i can say anything  'Y/N you have powers, but you weren't trained to use them based off your current memories of HYDRA if you join the Avengers we can help you learn how to use them'

 I just nod and Peter looks as though he really wants to say something, but he doesn't so i decide to engage in a conversation with my past bestfriend.. god this is weird. 'Parker, are you apart of this Avengers thing?' he just looks at Stark and the man nods, 'yeah i uhm' i interupt him this time 'your spider boy aren't you' every adult in the room laughs and he just puts his face in his hands 'it's uh it's spider-man okay' the boy who is obviously deeply embarassed says one last thing before the adults leave 'just call me Peter' i nod and i try to get off the bed remembering that im still strapped down at my wrists. 'uhh, peter do you know how to get these things off of me?' he looks at my wrists and sighs heavily 'i'll get Dr. Banner' i nod and he leaves i just kinda have this really terrible position that you'd probably have to do in yoga but i get impatient and start trying to get off the bed with my legs and drag the bed around the room.

 im halfway to the fridge when Rodgers walks in 'i heard a lot of banging in here so i came to check up on.. what are you doing?' i just stare at him blankly 'well im thirsty and Peter is taking to long to get Banner in here to take these straps off my arms so im just gonna get some water myself' but as if i had summoned them Banner and Peter walked in. 'Y/N im back-' and he just stares at me and the bed im dragging. 'seriously, you all suprised that i need a drink?' Bruce sighs at all the broken empty glass bottles behind us and he gives Peter some weird look but thats when Peter walks up to me and picks. ME. UP 'PETER NO! PETER STOP IT!' The men in the room are laughing as i kick my legs around but i can't do anything because my arms are still stuck. 'Y/N chill im sitting you back up so Dr. Banner can take off your restraints' i internally start screaming and then i hear him laugh 'PETER BENJAMIN PARKER I SWEAR TO GOD STOP LAUGHING AT ME' everyone looks at me in shock and honestly i don't know how i know his middle name. 'Did you just say my middle name?' i just stare at the wall and suddenly everything goes black again..


(10 year old Y/N POV)

10yo Peter yells 'Y/N GET BACK HERE' me being wild i decide to yell back 'NO, YOU GOTTA MAKE ME!' he laughs and continues chasing me i hide behind a wall and bump into a very tall adult man and he's staring down at me 's-sorry' he grins and crouches 'whats a pretty little lady doin out here all by herself?' he smells like a drunk, much like father 'i'm not alone now if you don't mind im gonna leave now' he grabs me by the arm and just glares at Peter who's still looking for me 'No, your coming with me little lady' i decide to take his hand and bite it 'GAH YOU LITTLE BITCH!' i start screaming 'PETER HELP ME!' i hear peter start to run and i hear him yell for me 'Y/N IM COMING!' the man pulls out a knife and he holds it to my throat then i see Peter run and kick the guy very weakly in his very vulnerable spot when i think its all over the guy stabs me with the knife straight into my leg. All i can do is scream when the guy gets a phone call, 'you kids got lucky, i gotta go' Peter then lifts me off the ground 'PETER NO PETER BENJAMIN PARKER PUT ME DOWN I SWEAR TO GOD STOP IT!'

{End Of Flashback}


-GASP- 'Y/N! Y/N are you okay!?' is all i hear. 'Peter Benjamin Parker you sly-' im cut off by being hugged by the boy. 'whats happening?' Wanda walks in with Bruce and they start explaining things. 'Y/N you had been sleeping for 2 days' wanda interupts bruce in the middle of his explanation 'Y/N you got one of your memories back!' i just stare at the duo and then look at Peter, i don't know why but i have a warm feeling inside of me and i decide to hug him back. He looks up at me with a hopeful look in his eyes but before anyone can do anything else Tony walks in and starts talking 'Hey kid, i think if i do a brain diagnostic i can find out what your powers are and we can design you a proper suit that goes with your abilities' i nod and Peter releases me but i still haven't released him then Tony raises a eyebrow and i realize that im still latched to the boy and i push him away and hop off the table like bed, 'lets go Stark i want a cool new suit this one looks and smells like death' everyone laughs, so i just roll my eyes and walk out. 'this way Y/N' 

(Time Skip brought to you by 'make a move reindeer games') 

We make it to Tonys lab area and he makes a gesture to a high tech chair that looks like something from a dentists' office. I sit down and the man connects a helmet with wires all around it to my head and adjusts the chair so that im not laying at an angle he gets to work and it's pretty boring. Mostly just him muttering to himself and me wanting to sleep but i can't cause i just woke up from a 48 hour nap so... yeah. Finally he leans up and i think he's done but i'll just wait for confirmation 'so Y/N turns out that you have the ability to control simple elements more specifically Water, Fire, Air, Earth, and Electricity. Now we have to design a suit that is resistant to all of those and is something you'd enjoy wearing' i look up at him and smile 'i have the perfect idea' 

 Now we have to design a suit that is resistant to all of those and is something you'd enjoy wearing' i look up at him and smile 'i have the perfect idea' 

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Its like this but whenever you use one of your powers the white on the suit changes corresponding to the power your using and the shoes also change.

Air- Grey
Earth- Evergreen
Fire- Dark Red
Water- Royal Blue
Electric- Bright Yellow

'well newbie you actually did pretty good but i do have a question' i look at him 'is this based off of Peters spider suit?' i him straight in the eyes and shake my head no and my face feels oddly warm 'kid, your blushing' i just look at him confused and he hands me a mirror so I look at it and my face is dusted with pink and i cover my face 'i- uhm- i don't think you know what your talking about Stark' he just laughs and gets to work on the suit so I start to leave 'Oh Y/N by the way Steve is going to show youto your room' i simply nod and walk out. Steve is waiting outside the door and he tells me to follow him and we walk to what im told is my new bedroom. It's got a queen sized bed with black sheets, blanket, and pillows, and a dresser  with a tv sitting on top. It also has a Bookshelf and a night stand with a on top. Steve leaves and i sit down on the bed, i notice i also have a private bathroom, i look at it briefly then i decide to get to bed and i suddenly think of a hero name.

'The Elemental Spider'

1593 words guys! Not bad huh ^w^ welp nothing here but angst will be the main plot for the next chapter bye guys!

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